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Camden and I worked on the poster till the bell rang. After it did, I met up with Hope and walked her to her second class. She gave me a hug and walked in. I walked to my second class getting hit by other people's arms or shoulders. "Luna!" Tony ran up to me but tripped on his shoe and knocked me down with him falling on top of me.

"Hi to you too," I giggled and he turned red. All of a sudden someone lifted him off me making him yelp.

"What the hell dude?" Pierce was holding him by his shirt and he was stuttering a lot, I rolled my eyes getting up.

"Put him down Pierce," he looked at me and set Tony down.

"Do you know him?" He questioned me and I nodded. "Sorry man thought you were trying something on her," Tony shook his head quickly and Pierce waved and walked off.

"He seemed scared of you and he's in a fucking gang!" Tony said and we walked to our class.

"Eh I wouldn't say scared," he rolled his eyes and we walked in and saw Drake holding a scrawny kid against the wall.

"What the hell did you say!" Drake yelled and the teacher wasn't in the class room yet.

"I-i-I," the kid could barely say anything. I walked up to them and pulled Drake off of him and everyone looked at me shocked.

"Go kid," he nodded and ran out of the room holding his glasses.

"What the hell you bitch?" Drake raised his voice again and I was pretty much use to it so I sat in my seat and saw Tony sit next to me.

"Just leave her alone," Tony sat beside me and Drake shook his head and Camden walked in.

"What's going on?" He walked over to us and Drake glared at me.

"This bitch pushed me and let this kid that called me an idiot go," Drake and I didn't take our eyes away until Camden pulled him back and Brody walked through the door. They all sat in the very back and Tony had a small conversation with me. We waited and waited but the teacher didn't show.

"Luna!" I looked at the door and saw Trent calling me over. I ran over and he handed me his phone. Why the hell is the bears in your class and why is there a kid telling me to beat them up? Of course Landon had him deliver a message.

"I don't know, class schedule and Drake held the kid against the wall and I pushed him out of the way to help him," I whispered and Trent groaned and looked at the bears.

"Dammit," he looked at me and the kid walked in between us and went to a seat as far away from the Bears as he could.

"Tell him ill talk during lunch ok?" Trent nodded and we did a quick handshake we made a couple years ago. He walked away and I went back to my seat and Tony looked at me shocked.

"You know the lions!" I covered his mouth as some turned to us and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up you doofus," I pulled my hand away and he still looked at me shocked. "Sort of," I whispered and he nodded trying to keep calm. I sat back in my chair when the teacher walked in.

"Sorry I'm late class I had to handle some business," I heard Brody laugh.

"Getting a student to suck your dick is business?" his friends laughed.

"Enough of you Brody," he sat in his chair and opened his laptop. He shut it quickly and looked at the three boys in the back.

"What's wrong Mr. Bell?" Drake chuckled and I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to Landon telling him to meet in the courtyard.

"Well class get the text book and do chapters 5 to 10 right now," Mr. Bell grinned proud of him self. Everyone groaned and got the text book and started reading. "Luna will you come here for sec?" I groaned and walked up and he opened his computer showing a black screen. "I need you to erase everything on this before lunch," I shrugged and pulled a chair up and sat to the side and typed away making sure all files and users were deleted.

"Wow Luna's a slut, would have never guessed," Drake chuckled. Tony turned to him quickly.

"No she's not," Drake just kept laughing until Camden punched his arm.

"Shut up man," I finished deleting and put a software no one could hack into. I walked back to my seat and packed everything up and walked to the door 20 minutes early.

I waved to Tony and walked out the door and headed to the Courtyard. I set my stuff down and sat on the ground till the bell rang.

"Wow you got here quick," Landon looked at me and handed me his bag of chips. He sat next to me and I shrugged.

"Drake pissed me off so I came here," Landon looked at me and nodded..

"What did he do?" I told him the whole story and told him about how I think the Bears are in all my classes.

"There gonna find out soon," he nodded and pulled me into a hug and kissed my head.

"I know and when they do I'll just kick there ass more," we both laughed and he handed me a piece of homework he didn't understand and I helped him as we ate.

"Awe the two love birds," Brody walked out and we both ewwd loudly. "What?" He looked at us shocked and Landon just shook his head and stood up.

"Just go away," Brody shook his head and looked at his watch.

"Camden was suppose to be showing up soon and Drake," Landon groaned and pulled me up. He grabbed my stuff and we walked to the side of school.

"Seriously hate those guys," I nodded and we finished off eating and heard them talking.

"Seriously I think she's a slut," Drake said and there was slap.

"Will you shut your mouth I know what a slut acts like and she definitely is not one," Camden grunted and we heard there footsteps stop.

"Honestly thought her and Landon were dating," Brody said and we both cringed at his words.

"See she has so many guys around her! She's either a slut or The lions chick that we never knew about," Drake said and Landon looked at me and made a coocoo sign.

"Your not even intrigued by this girl?" Brody questioned and Whoever he asked was silent.

"I am but we have other things to think about, plus she's way to innocent for this world anyways, she's not with the Lions," Landon chuckled and I covered his mouth.

"What was that?" They started walking and I put Landon's jacket on and pulled him into a hug.

"Oh sorry," Drake looked and Landon and I put up our hands and waved to them. They couldn't see our faces luckily and once they walked away we both let out a breath.

"Good thinking sis," I nodded and handed him his jacket. He pulled it back on and we walked back into the school. Pierce and Trent caught up with us and I walked over to Hope who was jumping up and down.

"Why so excited?" She put a number in my face and I questioned who it was from. "Drake was flirting with me at lunch and gave me his number! I'm gonna faint," I couldn't believe my best friends words.

"Hope he's messing with you, he's a player," she shook her head.

"He said he wanted to hang out with me and wrapped his arm around me Luna! He likes me," I bit my lip not wanting to hurt her feelings. "Oh my god I could date a Bear! I could be such a badass and rule this school," she fanned herself making me roll my eyes.

"Hey cutie," Drake decided to walk up in that moment and wrapped his arm around her neck.

"Hi," she giggled and I saw how he kept glancing between her and I. She could barely notice since she was too busy looking him head to toe.

"Want me to walk you to class?" He asked and I put my hand up.

"Actually-," Hope grabbed my hand and put it down and smiled back at him.

"Yeah come on," they walked away from me making me feel like a complete idiot.

"Wanna walk together?"

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