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Finally it was the end of the day. I had spent it all outside though and when I walked in to the east wing of school and he was pacing back and forth fiddling with his fingers. "Jayden?" He turned to me and frowned. When we walked towards me I could see his eyes were darker.

"I thought he was with you, I haven't seen him since lunch," Jose looked around and I bit my lip and pulled my phone out. I pressed call and put it to my ear.

"Hola hemorsa," he answered cheerfully and I smiled.

"Where are you at?" Jose looked at me and I put my finger up to him.

"I'm in the east wing where are you?" I rolled my eyes and put it on speaker.

"You're in the west wing silly," he was silent until he chuckled a little.

"Hurry up Jayden," Jose said and pressed end call on my phone.

"What's your problem?" He turned away from me and crossed his arms.

"You're my problem Luna King, what do you want with my brother?" He growled and I made him look at me.

"I like your brother Jose and if you can't understand that then I don't know what to tell you," he smirked and looked behind him.

"I know just how to get my brother to hate you," I heard footsteps before Jose smashed his lips to mine forcefully. I kept trying to push away but his hand against my head was to strong.

"Luna?" I could hear Jayden behind him. Jose pushed away from me and wiped his mouth Turning to his brother.

"Jayden she came on to me man, I'm sorry," I looked at him shocked and felt my heart start racing again.

"Luna I thought you liked me,"Jayden looked like he was about to break down. I tried to speak but this panic attack wasn't helping. I grabbed my throat and saw Jayden and Jose run to my sides. "Breath look your ok," all I could hear was Jays whispers and remarks. I fell to my knees and they sat beside me. "What the hell did you do Jose!" Jayden pulled me into his chest away from his brother and he couldn't speak.

"I talked to her- then she called you- I kissed her- I'm sorry, she's causing us problems- you don't need her," Jose stuttered more and more. Jayden didn't even look at his brother.

"Leave," Jayden pulled me closer to him and I put my head against his chest. "I'm serious Jose, as of right now I have no brother," Jose stood up and walked away. My breathing was still fast and I had small tears slip from my eyes. "It's ok princess, what if we get away," he held my cheek and looked at me. "Get out of this town, this state. Be happy together," I smiled and he pulled me back into his chest. My phone started ringing and he picked it up and set it to the side.

"1 new voicemail from: Brotha Landon, Luna get your ass to the car were leaving right now," Jayden slid my phone down the hall making me giggle. He wiped the tears from my cheeks and set his hand against it.

"Did he hurt you?" I shook my head and he held my hand. "Not Jose, Jay," my breath hitched and he pulled me as close as I could get to him. "I read about some of the trial, we had no clue that he was planning on any of that," I nodded and he rubbed my hand.

"Jays father said he was crazy, he's in the looney bin and Jays father is in prison. I have panic attacks because of them or anything that frightens me," he nodded and I looked up at him. "He hit me a lot and said it was punishment," his eyes were watery when we looked at each other. "I can hear him in my mind sometimes, I think I was meant for the insane asylum," he shook his head and smiled at me.

"Your perfect, you're not crazy," I nodded and he stood up with me still in his arms. "My car is parked right outside the west wing if your want to go through with leaving," I nodded and he set me down. He grabbed my hand and left his phone beside mine. We ran to the west wing and walked out the door seeing his car. "Come on," he chuckled and opened the passenger door for me. I got in and he ran to the other side.

"I need to stop at a pharmacy first ok?" He nodded and we drove out of the parking lot. I saw The brotherhood around Landon's car and The sharks around Jases car.

"We don't have to leave just yet," he turned to me and he grabbed my hand. "We can stay at a motel or my house, even our new hideout," I smiled and rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb.

"Let's go to your house, Jose will probably be out with them tonight," he nodded and drove on this really long road till he turned down a dirt path. We arrived to this shack with one beat down car in front of it. When the car came to a stop Jayden hit the steering wheel really hard. "What's wrong?" I put my arm on his shoulder and he groaned.

"The fight tonight," I looked forward and bit my lip.

"We'll go, maybe we can try to stop it," he shook his head and sat up.

"They won't back down from a fight," I looked around and looked at the radio and saw it was 4:30.

"Then I'll try and stop it," he looked at me shocked and grabbed my hand.

"I don't want you getting hurt," he kissed my knuckle and I put my hand on his cheek.

"I know but it's the only way," he leaned in and kissed me softly. I smiled and kissed back, he ran his hand up my arm to my shoulder then my neck and held me there as we kissed.

"Let's go inside until it's time," I nodded and he got out and I followed. He opened the door and I walked through and the place was pretty roomie. It looked really nice and didn't have much furniture. I walked around until his arms around my waist from behind. "Do you like it?" I nodded and he pecked my cheek before walking to the fridge. "Would you like water, beer, soda, juice?" I giggled and took one of the caprisuns that was there. He grabbed one and led me over to the couch.

"Do you and Jose live here alone?" He nodded and I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Maybe we can get the Sharks and brotherhood together," he chuckled and rubbed my head.

"One thing at a time princess," I nodded and sipped the last bit of my caprisun. "Get some rest, you look tired," I giggled and set my caprisun down. I cuddled into his chest and fell asleep in his warm arms.

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