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Luna's POV-

When Landon and I got home I put him to sleep and changed out of the clinging bathing suit. I changed into my normal pajamas and hopped into bed. In the morning, Mom was leaving for work and Landon was super tired and lazy. "I don't wanna go," I was trying to pull him out of bed but he wouldn't budge.

"What if we stop at krispy kream and I'll pay then after school you, Pierce, Trent, and I will go to whatever restaurant you want," He jumped out of bed and started pulling random clothes on. I went to my room and put on the little makeup I wear and went down stairs as Landon was jumping up and down.

"Come on come on come on!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his car. We drove to the donut shop a couple blocks from the school and got him his two favorites. My one favorite and Pierce and Trents favorites. "Thank you so much sis!" He smiled and bit into it. We finished our trip to school and got out as Pierce and Trent groggily walked over.

"Ugg I did not want to come today!" Pierce tugged his hair and I opened the box of donuts as they both started running over.

"Luna bought us donuts and then later after school she's taking us to our favorite restaurant," Landon smiled and his friends started jumping up and down with him.

"We get free food! We get free food!" They started yelling and people started laughing.

"Ok ok I think they get it," I giggled and they pulled me into a hug as they had donut rings on.

"My favorite person on earth," Pierce said and I rolled my eyes getting out of there grip.

"Heyyyyyyyy Lions," Landon turned and Jackie and Hope stood there batting there eyelashes.

"Why are you hanging out with a dirty slut like that when you could hang out with us?" Hope smiled and all the guys turned to them with glares.

"Who are you calling a slut you ugly man loving whores?" Trent questioned and they gasped.

"First off have you seen your face in the mirrors ladies, That shit is caked up and why would we want to date a clown?" Pierce smirked and they all laughed.

"Weren't you trying to get Drakes dick earlier Hope?" Landon titled his head to the side and the girls flipped there hair.

"So many guys want us that we have to switch every once in a while," Jackie shrugged as the Bears wear walking a couple feet away.

"Yo Drake come here for a sec!" Trent yelled and drake turned and put his middle finger up.

"Please drake?" I peeked out of the side and they walked over and looked at the two girls.

"Did you bang this?" Pierce questioned pointing at Hope and he laughed.

"Nah," He leaned on Brody making them all start laughing. Hope turned to him and slapped him across the face making a little blood drip.

"You asshole!" Hope screamed and Camden pulled Drake away. My brother and his friends looked in shock and I walked up to my ex friend. I grabbed her wrist and looked at her.

"What ever your about to do don't," Landon warned but Drake nose kept dripping blood and Jackie stood in terror.

"Do it or are you too scared? Like how you couldn't save your daddy from the crash," She smirked at me as Landon looked at her shocked.

"Hope I don't thin-," Jackie began but hope shushed her.

"Daddy and his precious little girl got into a crash didn't they," she nodded with that same smirk. "Little girl got out, why couldn't your dad hm? Everyone wondered," my eyes flickered to the ground as she kept going. "Your bracelet got caught and he used his last breath to save you!" It was silent even the people that was walking into the building stopped. "I would have much rather have him here then you and I'm pretty sure your mother would say the same thing. And anyone else that knew your father," I let her wrist go and she chuckled in defeat. "You see that everyone? This useless pathetic girl that no one wanted in the first place is still here," no one said anything to her remark.

"Wow you really are a bitch," Drake looked at her and I stayed in my place.

"That's the lowest thing I've seen a person do," Pierce shook his head as everyone started whispering.

"You got me Hope," I lifted my head up and everyone was looking at me. "Yes my father died in a crash. Yes he saved me instead of himself. Yes I bet anyone who knew my father would much rather him be here then me. Yes my mother does tend to give me sad looks wanting her husband back. And yes I am useless. But when have I ever given a shit about what people think of me?" As soon as I said that I punched her across the face with my left hand so it wasn't that much power. She fell backwards as everyone gasped.

"WOAH!" People started clapping and I looked at Landon who pumped his fist with the crowed but his eyes had tears in them. I ran over to him and hugged him as tight as I could.

"Your so strong baby sis," he whispered and I nodded as people kept cheering till Jackie dragged Hope away. "Are you ok to stay?" He put his hand on my cheeks and I smiled and nodded. Pierce and Trent pulled me into a hug as everyone started walking to the school. I walked over to Drake and saw his nose had stopped bleeding and the blood dried.

"Here its some wipes for the blood," they all smiled at me and Camden put his hand on my shoulder.

"You're super strong," he looked at my covered wrist and gave me a saddened smile.

"You coming?" Landon wrapped his arm around me and us four walked into school leaving the Bears standing outside.

"Luna!" We passed some football guys and I smiled.

"Hey Luna," Some girls I didn't know looked smiled at me and I saw Pierce and Trent turn and look at there asses.

"You're cool now!" Landon smiled and I rolled my eyes as they walked me to class.

"Yeah becoming cool is great because people want to be fake friends," They shrugged and Landon handed me my bag.

"If you need anything text me," I nodded and I walked inside. They left and I sat in my chair and wrote down what was on the board. Everyone started walking in and the Bears walked in last.

"Do the gangs share her?" I heard a guy whispered as Camden came over to me.

"You feeling alright?" I nodded and pulled my arms under the table so no one could see my long sleeves.

"I dont think so but I'd hit it," Another chuckled and I rolled my eyes as Brody noticed and turned to them.

"Hey why don't you shut the hell up," The guy went silent as his friend waved.

"Sorry he doesn't know how to treat women right," Brody nodded and Drake sat down in the seat behind me.

"Don't know how to treat anything right apparently," Drake grumbled but the guy turned to him quickly.

"What did you say about me?"  The guy walked toward Drakes desk and Brody stepped in front of him.

"Put your ass in a seat," The guy chuckled and looked between Drake and Brody.

"Awe your friend has to protect you since you have a broken nose?" The bell still hasn't rung? What the fuck is going on why hasn't this damn lady walked in yet.

"Seriously dude just leave them alone," the guys friend pulled him back but he didn't move.

"I recommend you listen to your friend," Camden said and he moved around my desk to stand beside Brody.

"And If I don't, what you gonna beat me up and get in trouble again? You put these people in fear for your own pleasure, you say I don't know how to treat woman but you bang them then leave. If you really want to show these people how cool you are for being in a gang then just punch me," the guy turned his head to the side and the bell finally rang.

"Take your seats students," the lady walked in and looked at all of us. Camden and Brody took the seats behind me with Drake and I faced forward. The lesson went on but I could feel the Bears eyes on me.

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