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Luna's POV~
That night Mom came home and bandaged my ankle. I broke something but I can't remember what. Landon and I sat in his room eating pizza and chatting until I hobbled into my room. My mom had left some crutches in my room so I fixed them and got ready for bed. In the morning Landon woke me up and grabbed my book bag and carried it out. I got ready pretty quickly and used the crutches out of my room and down my stairs. "Ready?" I nodded and went to the other side of the car.

"I'm sorry about not letting you help me," I put my head down and I felt him turn to me.

"Luna you did nothing wrong. I overreacted and I shouldn't have said the shit I did," he grabbed my hand and smile. "Are you sure you don't want to stay home? Everyone knows we're related," he chuckled and I nodded.

"Lets go bro!" He pulled his hand away and started the car and drove to school. When we arrived Pierce and Trent were waiting and Landon jumped out and ran over to me.

"Here you go," he put the crutches out and I took them and climbed out.

"It's broken?" Pierce asked and Landon grabbed both of there bags.

"Something in my bone got broke but I forgot, I was tired," they nodded and we stood out side for a while and saw the Bears walking to us.

"We can help with her bag if she needs it," Camden smiled and Landon turned to him.

"She'll be fine, we pass her class a lot so we can handle it," I rolled me eyes. Back to the way it was before, rivals until one of them finally take over completely.

"I'm not in a wheelchair I can take my bag," I set my crutches down and slipped on the bag and clipped it around my chest and started heading to the building on my crutches.

"Um I don't think that's a good Idea," all of them started running after me and I chuckled and went up the ramp.

"Maybe not but really I'm fine guys," I smiled and Tony stood beside me.

"Want me to walk you to class?" I nodded and Tony and I walked away from my brother and his friends and the Bears. He told me about last night when everyone thought I was a ghost and shit which I laughed pretty hard at. People looked at us and whispered or just stared as we walked by.

"Well maybe you should tell your friend not to throw a punch at Harry," Jases voice boomed and Tony looked over to see a couple football guys with the Sharks.

"We don't listen to the 'Sharks'" the football guy chuckled and I saw Jase tense.

"Oh so you listen to a bunch of idiots?" Neil said and I glared at them.

"You listen to the two gangs who are more pussy then man?" Seth chuckled and Tony turned to me as I rocked back and forth with anger.

"At least they fight for something!" A girl yelled and the four turned to them.

"Like what? Camden's drug abuse? Trents bipolar disorder? oh and don't forget Landon's family issues!" Seth looked around making me even more angrier.

"If you want to say shit then you can say it to our face!" Brody yelled and the crowd and sharks turned to them. All 6 of them stood together and the Sharks chuckled.

"The only reason Camden is the leader is because her was really into drugs and violence, so into it," Harry chuckled and crossed his arms.

"Trents emotions change so damn much because he's sick, who could love a sick guy?" Neil smirked and couple girls raised there hands even though it was an insult.

"Landon, landon, landon, had to hide his poor sisters name because he was ashamed of her. He doesn't want her alive, he'd much rather have daddy," Seth looked at Landon and Pierce put his hand on his back. I pushed my crutches to Tony and unclipped my book bag as it fell. I took them back and pushed through

"Wow you guys are hilarious, go on this is very amusing," Everyone turned to me once I finally got passed everyone. The Sharks looked at me shocked and I felt Tony try to pull me back.

"Luna-," Tony said but I chuckled and went over to Seth.

"Go ahead," he looked saddened and turned away from me.

"Wow the Bears slut is apparently the Sharks too!" Hope walked out clapping her hands and I rolled my eyes and turned to her. "Awe did they pound you that hard you need crutches," a couple girls behind her laughed and I chuckled at her jokes.

"I think you got it confused sweetheart I don't do that kind of stuff like you," her smile went to a frown and a couple guys she got with chuckled. "I also don't have to get guys drunk just to get him home," she gasped and Landon chuckled.

"You might want to stop talking, we have some good dirt on you too," Jackie stood next to hope and I shrugged and looked at her.

"Go ahead," she smirked and pulled out her phone.

"Do you know a guy named Jay Daniels?" Landon looked at me shocked and everyone turned to me. "With your silence I'll take it as a yes, was Jay Daniels your boyfriend?" All the girls smirked and I rubbed my arms.

"No," she nodded and walked around me in a circle.

"So he just beat you when he wanted?" Landon tried to run over to me but Trent grabbed him.

"No," I looked at her and she pulled up a picture and showed it to just me. Jay was beside me in the photo but I had bruises on me and my face was red.

"Who is this in the photo then Luna? Did he beat you when he got angry? Was it when you wanted pain?" She was closer and I saw tony walking towards me but some of Jackie football friends grabbed him.

"You really want to know? Ok tell your guys to let tony go!" She snapped her fingers and tony was let go. Everyone's eyes were on me and I took a deep breath. "Jay was a friend of mine for a while, I would hang out with him and his brother was the one beating me. When jay found out he put his brother into a coma and sure Jay and I went on one date but once he found out my brother was in his rival gang he started hating me and he-," my voice cracked and Landon ran over and stepped in front of me.

"You got enough now leave you bitch," she smiled knowing she succeeded. Landon turned to me and shook his head and put his hand on my cheek. "I'm taking you home right now," I nodded and tony handed him my bag. The Sharks and Bears looked at me with pity until we got out the doors. Landon tossed my stuff in and we get in and he drove me home. It was completely silent until he told me he had to go back and left me home alone. Thoughts of jay kept coming up so I just tried napping in my bed.

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