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2 weeks later in court-

Today was the day. Jay and his father sat to the right of me as my lawyer sat beside me. My brother and all his friends sat behind me. My mother had to work so she's not here. My lawyer had stood up and called jay to the stand. "Hello mister Daniels, do you promise to speak the truth and only the truth?" He nodded his head and my lawyer turned to the jury.

"Your honor, Mr. Daniels snuck into my clients room at 1:23 pm and kidnapped her. When was the last time you saw Ms. King Before then?" Jay looked at me and bowed his head.

"We saw each other 3 months ago at a motel in the next town," My lawyer looked at me and nodded.

"How do you know my client Mr. Daniels?" Jay looked at his lap.

"We were best friends for a while but that ended a year ago," He frowned and I looked away.

"Did you when you kidnapped my client try to rape her?" He bit his lip and sat up.

"Yes," Everyone behind us gasped and he looked up at me with wet eyes. "When her brother and his friends came and was looking for her the night before I kidnapped her, they beat us up," my lawyer turned and looked at my surprised face. I turned to them and saw them looking at each other, even the Sharks.

"Did you know your father was my clients doctor?" My lawyer kept questioning even when Jay and his dad lawyer chuckled.

"I didn't until he said to come visit and that's when I found out," my lawyer nodded and looked at him.

"No further questions," he walked back over and sat down as Jays lawyer stood up.

"Ms. King if you don't mind," jay walked down to his seat and I stood up and fixed my dress and walked over. "Ms. King why are you and my client not friends anymore?" I stood up straight and looked at him.

"Jay was apart of an enemy gang to my brother, when he found out he became rude and acted like I was a devil," he nodded and looked around.

"I see and did you know your brother and his gang members beat up my client?" I bit my tongue and looked at him.

"Objection your honor! This isn't about gang violence," my lawyer looked at me and so did the judge.

"Let the girl answer the damn question," Jays lawyer said and my brother was about to stand up when Pierce and Trent grabbed him.

"No I did not know," I spoke into the mic and Jays lawyer looked at me.

"Do you think my client kidnapped you to get back at your brother?" He smirked at me and I was the only one able to see it.

"No, when I woke up in jays room he told me I was his trophy, claimed me as his own," I glared at the man defending the two people I hate.

"What about his father? Why didn't you speak about what doctor Daniels did to you?" I put my hands together. "Did you want him to, is that why you kept it secret?" He grinned and my lawyer shot up.

"Your honor!" The judge looked at him and nodded.

"No it's fine. The reason I didn't speak about it was because he threatened me about hurting my family," everyone looked at me saddend except the lawyer and Doctor Daniels.

"Do you have any proof?" The judge looked at me and I smirked.

"Maybe Doctor Daniels didn't know but my room was being recorded and my brother got it all so yes I have proof," both of there smirks turned into frowns. A security guard rolled in a tv and put in a cd. He turned it on and a video of me laying in bed and doctor Daniels appeared on the screen.

"Now I see what my son saw in you," doctor Daniels chuckled and I moved away. "Remember princess you tell anyone and your dear brother and mother are dead," I sat still as he kept going.

The security guy turned the tv off and the judge looked at the lawyer. "Anymore questions?" He shook his head and went back and sat down. I stood up but something happened. My heart started racing and I froze right there.

"Ms. King?" I heard but Jay appears right in front of me.

"Oh Luna why would you tell?" I felt my chest tighten and I turned to a smirking Doctor and a worried Jay.

"She's having a panic attack!" All the guys jumped the barrier and ran to me. Landon pulled me into his arms and I looked around and kept hearing his voice.

"Luna you're ok," I heard but I felt my self getting more and more lightheaded. I saw stars and Landon started disappearing from my vision. "Luna!" I heard Landon yell. I opened my eyes slightly and saw I was on one of the tables.

"Your honor its pretty visible that these two men have broke this girl," I heard the lawyers arguing until a loud bang happened.

"My client is insane!" The other lawyer yelled and his dad stood up.

"He is, jay is mentally ill, I've been trying to help him for years," jay looked at his palms and the judge slammed his gavel down.

"Jay Daniels is sentenced to live at the insane asylum. Micheal Daniels is sentenced to 15 years in the state penitentiary," everyone clapped and I felt my limb body being lifted up.

"Hey Luna, wake up silly," Drake tickled me and I opened my eyes a little more. When I was fully aware of my surroundings I saw I was in a car. Landon and Tony were in the front and Drake was beside me.

"What's going on?" I whispered and Landon smiled at me.

"Were heading to get pizza, everyone else was headed back to ours," I nodded and yawned.

"Even the Sharks?" I asked and sat up fully. They chuckled and shook there heads.

"No way they can do what ever they want except come around us," I rolled my eyes as we pulled up to the pizza place. Drake and tony ran in quickly and ran back out with boxes. It smelt so good! When we got home everyone was already inside and I grabbed a slice and sat next to my best friend tony.

"Happy?" He chuckled and I shrugged and sighed.

"Even if he can't get to me physically, he gets me mentally," he rubbed my back as I took another bite.

"But maybe we could help," he smiled again and I shrugged.

"We'll see," I nodded and we all talked for hours. Once it got dark Landon invited them all to stay the night since it was late and school was tomorrow. I decided to sleep early so I climbed the stairs to my room and slept right away as the boys talked for longer and longer.

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