CHAPTER 1: Gotta Find A Way

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        The sunlight is seeping through the sheer curtains on the window in my bedroom. Causing me to wince my eyes from the brightness.

        Then I hear my bedroom door creak open a little bit and see my five year old son, Jason come walking inside, rubbing his eyes.

         "Good morning mom." He tells me as he  climbs up onto my bed and lays down next to me.

         "Good morning, my love." I smile as I wrap my arms around him and give him a kiss on the top of his head.

          "Can I go to work with you today?" Jason asks me.

          "Of course you can. But you don't want Tommy to watch you?" I ask him, since Tommy is a good friend of ours.

          "No. He told me last time that he wouldn't be able to watch me for a while, cause he had to leave on a trip for business." He says.

          "Oh." I reply. Thinking about how Tommy never told me that.

           "Well, you know you are always welcomed to go to work with me." I smile at him.

           "Yay! Can I have a donut, this morning?" He asks.

           "We'll see." I chuckle. "First, we gotta get ready."

           "Okay." He replies. "I bet I can beat you at getting ready first." He says.

          "You're on." I smile teasingly.

          We both start to get up and get ready for the day and just like most of the time, I lose by just a few seconds as I see him waiting by the front door with my car keys in his hand and him smiling as he knows he won.

          "I win!" He says.

          "Yes, you do." I smile at him.

         We get into the car and start taking off into town towards the bakery where I work at.

         Once we get inside, I take Jason into the back where Ruth has a table set up for him and some Legos and paper and pens. He loves drawing.

        As I walk out to the front, I see my friend Kelsey at the front counter. She looks upset and like she's been crying for a while.

        I walk up towards her, in front of the counter and once she see's me, she walks up to me and starts hugging me while crying.

        I can hear her muffling something in my shoulder while sobbing.

        So I push her back a little bit so I can hear her better.
        "Okay. Take a deep breath. What's wrong?" I ask.

        "Tommy....Tommy...He's.....Dead!" She sobs out loud then hugs me again.

        I put my arms around her and start holding her tightly to comfort her as I know Tommy was her fiance.

        "Oh my god. It's okay. It's going to be okay." I try and soothe her.

        She shakes her head and then pulls herself back a little bit and looks at me again.

        "I know Chase killed him. I know it was him. Tommy told me that he was going to kill him and I never believed him." She began to cry.

         We sat down in a booth and we started talking more.

        "Stop. You are not to blame for this. I know that since Tommy, Jack and Chase went their separate ways years ago and Chase started owning this town, things have been....crazy. But don't think about what Tommy was involved in. Because I know that's what you're thinking. Just know that he was a good man and he loved you. And one of these days, Chase will get what's coming to him. Okay?" I remind her what she reminded me after Jack had left.

         Though it's been a while since I last saw Jack, I still think about him.

          Now with Tommy dead, it feels like everything is different than how it used to be when we were kids.

         Tommy, Jack, Kelsey and Chase, we all grew up together and were good friends. At least until Jack and I started dating. That's when Chase started to become distant from all of us. He started to change and become obsessed with the lifestyles he was introduced to by Jack's uncle.

         Jack's uncle raised him since his parents died in a fire when he was four years old. After his uncle's funeral, he left town. I haven't heard from him since.

         Neither has anyone else. Well, other than that he's become the leader of the mafia. Which I guess makes sense. Since it's the life he's always known.

          Anyways, I doubt he'd come back for Tommy's funeral. Since from what I also heard that he's a ruthless killer. And the fact that he hasn't stayed in contact with us after he left. So why the hell would he want to come to the funeral.

          Which I guess is for the best anyways. It's just that it's already hard enough trying to move on everyday when certain things keep reminding me of him. The last thing I need is him coming back.

          Especially if Chase were to find out. That would create a problem and a war, most likely since they hate each other.

         I come back quickly to reality and continue to comfort Kelsey.

        Though that was hard to hear about Tommy, who was one of my good friends, I know how close him and Jason were. In fact, they were almost like brothers. So when I broke the news to him, he was devastated. He seemed to be just as upset as Kelsey was.

         So for the next week in a half, Kelsey stayed at our place, as we also helped arrange the funeral with her.

        What broke my heart more, was that they were set to be married next month.

        I swear, Chase will pay for what he did. One way or another. And when his day comes, I will be there, as well as Kelsey, to watch him suffer til his last breath.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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