CHAPTER 8: We Got Ourselves A Winner!

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        Before I went to bed the other night, I couldn't stop but smile about her and I making love to each other. I forgot how amazing it was with her.

        For the next couple of days, I found myself suddenly falling into the whole being a family lifestyle.

        In fact, things were happening so fast that she asked for me to stay with them and get used to what it's like being in a house with a kid. Which honestly, I didn't mind it at all, as I'm sure some people would feel like with things moving as fast as there are with us right now.

        Besides, Jason's 6th birthday was coming up soon and between what theme he wanted and with both Sally and I preparing, I barely had any time for thinking about other things. And now, with us going to the carnival tonight, which I was excited cause Jason was, we had gotten ready and I had received a text from David telling me that he doesn't yet know about finding Tommy's killer, though he close. I just tell him to be sure to text me and let me know once he does. Then we start heading towards the carnival.


        Once we arrived, of course, one of the first things he had wanted to do was ride the rides which I never truly trusted carnival rides, but since he wouldn't let me say 'no' to him, I ended up going on a few rides with him and I gotta say, was fun.

       We also played some games and won a lot of big prizes and then after walking around a little bit, with Jason on my shoulders, Jason pointed out a fun house that's theme was clowns. Which I thought were creepy. But again, anything for Jason.

       Though before going inside, Sally told me that she wanted to get a lemonade real quick and to go on ahead inside and that she would meet us inside.

       Then Jason had said he had to go to the bathroom. Which I told her I'd take him while she got the drink then we'd meet up in front of the fun house and go in together.

       So I gave her a quick kiss on the lips and we headed towards the bathroom.

      After Jason was done, I took his hand and as soon as we came around the corner to go meet Sally, I saw her talking with some douche bag and he was grabbing hold of her arm as she was trying to break free from his grip and tried to not make a scene.

       Then as she's arguing with the guy, as it looked to me like was going on, Ruth and Kelsey had come walking up.

       "Hey guys. Where's Sally?" Kelsey asked.

       "She's getting a lemonade." Jason says as Kelsey picks him up.

        "Yummy." She tells him.

         Though I'm not really paying too much attention to them cause I'm too busy clenching my jaw and fists from the anger I'm feeling.

         "Are you okay?" Kelsey asks me.

         Then without breaking contact and trying to keep calm in front of both her, Ruth and Jason, I ask, "Who is that guy Sally's talking to?"

         Kelsey and Ruth both look at the guy and Kelsey right away gets a look on her face of horror.

        "That's Chris. He runs things when....." Kelsey stops when Ruth gives her a nudge on her arm with her elbow.

        "Watch Jason for a minute. I'll be right back." I reply while still not taking my eyes off of Sally and the asshole touching her.

         "You really shouldn't..." Kelsey begins but again stops as I begin making my way through people and heading towards her.

         Once I get closer to them I hear him call her a 'Slut' and then slaps her hard.

         Which right away, of course, sends me off the walls into seeing nothing but red.

         So without hesitation, I grab his arm and turn him around to face me and start beating the shit out of him.

         Then as soon as he gets up, he starts coming at me and get's a light small punch in towards my face, but doesn't stop me from continuing beating the shit out of him until after my final blow to his face, I felt a pair of hands pull my arm back and I see it's Sally.

         I get up and push her gently behind me and look at the guy groaning in pain before looking up at me with his bloodied face.

        "You really shouldn't have done that, motherfucker. You have no idea who you just fucked with!" The guy says as he stands and spits the blood out of his mouth onto the ground, in front of me.

         "No. You don't know who you just fucked with. Now I suggest you leave and I swear to god you ever return and ever come near my family again, I will kill you and make you disappear." I threaten him.

          The guy laughs a little bit.

          "You have no idea what's coming to you and your so called family. Cause once my boss finds out who's in town, man, you are so dead." The begins to tell me before turning to look at Sally, "And you, you and your son are so dead. Wait til the boss hears what you've been up to. Things will be getting worse for you." The guy says before spitting out some more blood and trying to wipe some blood off from his mouth before stumbling away a little bit.

         I then turn and look at Sally who looks as though she is scared and is about to cry.

         I place my hand onto her face and look into her eyes.

         "Are you okay, baby?" I ask her.

         "Yes." She replies quietly with a nod.

         "Okay. Come on, let's go home." I tell her.

        Then as we put our arm around each other and start heading back towards Ruth, Jason and Kelsey. I noticed then, not earlier, of them looking at me and Sally, mostly me in shock.

        I even notice several people looking at me while whispering something to the person next to them.

        I then grab all the stuffed animals and everything from Kelsey and both me, Jason and Sally, head towards the car and then head home.

        After putting Jason to bed, both Sally and I went into the living room and she had brought out a First Aid kit to help clean me up.

        I began to feel like there was something she needed to tell me, even wanted to tell me, but hasn't. Though I think now would be the perfect time to explain, what the hell is going on and who the fuck that prick was and is working for. Who the hell is his boss? And why was he threatening to hurt Sally and Jason? Were they dating?

         No matter what it was, I had every right to know.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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