CHAPTER 13: You Need To Rest!

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          I clenched my jaw and wanted nothing more than to pull the trigger, though at the same time, I know that Jason would get killed most likely. And I didn't want that.

          "What the hell do you want Chase?! You wanna be the leader of my crew? Go ahead! Take it. You already killed my best guy who was next in line, along with all the others. And judging by what they all know and think of you, I'm sure that you and your guys won't make it through the front door. But if that is what it will take for you to leave my family alone. Then so be it." I tell him.

          "Man, that was beautiful." Chase says sarcastically. "But you just don't get it, do you? You think that's all I want from you?"

         "What else could you want? Me dead? Fine. Let's you and I have at it then, but for the last time, let my family go." I warn him again.

         "Shit, you are so damn annoying with this whole 'let my family go' bullshit. I mean come on already, we get it! I really don't know what the hell your uncle saw in you." He says. "Which, when I went to visit him a few years ago to ask him why he gave you the position to take over, and the answer he gave me. Fuck, just, pissed me off. I did everything for your uncle. I looked to him as a father. Which I thought one day, he would look to me like a son and then hand me over his position. But you know what he said? He said I wasn't man enough. Wasn't trustworthy." Chase begins to chuckle a little bit before continuing. "So I put a fucking bullet in his head. To prove, of course, that I am a force to be reckoned with. I had my own guys, and since your uncle was in the way and becoming weaker, I took care of him. Just. As. I. Did. Tommy. Man, that, was the most fun I had in a looong time."

         "Oh fuck no!" Kelsey says as she pulls out her gun and is about to shoot Chase when one of his guys shoots her right in the head and Sally starts screaming as we all then begin having a shootout.

         Sally quickly looked at Jason and Chris and was trying to stay low, but to make sure she got Jason.

         I couldn't see Sally between the shooting and the ducking down behind things for cover.

         I get grazed in the arm by the bullet and I try to reload my gun when all of a sudden, I don't hear gun firing anymore.

         "You never should've come back!" Chase yells from the kitchen.

          Then the next thing I hear is Jason and Sally both screaming for me. Which, without hesitation, I quickly get up from behind the couch and as soon as I do and start to shoot, I not only notice both Jason and Sally being taken out of the house, but also, I feel something hit my shoulder and look down to see I was hit by a bullet.

         As soon as I hold the wound, I suddenly start becoming light headed and dizzy, then the next thing I see is black.


         I wake up in a nice bed and take a look around and am reminded of my hotel room. Which how in the hell did I get back to my room? And where the hell is Jason and Sally?

          Right as soon as I sit up, I stop and wince at the sharp pain I feel on my wounded shoulder. Which as I start touching the bandage and everything, I begin remembering what exactly happened.

         The door then opens up and in walks Ruth, carrying a tray of food, juice, coffee and some pills.

          "Finally your lazy ass is up." She says while setting the tray down onto the bed and then taking a look at my bandage.

          "Where am I?" I ask.

          "You're at my home, healing." She replies as she takes a step back and takes a seat in the chair that's next to the bed.

           "Where's Sally and Jason?" I ask.

           "Chase has them." She says casually.

           "What? I need to go after them!" I begin.

           "No, you need to rest. Otherwise you would do them no good, walking in to get them, only to be killed before getting the chance to set foot in the door." She says.

           I leaned back against the pillow and grabbed a slice of toast and some coffee and began eating.

           "So how do you know so much about Chase and his crew?" I asked curiously.

           She looks down for a moment as if she was remembering something, then looked back up at me.

           "I had a son once. He was murdered, by Chase and his men, a year before your uncle returned." She began

          There was a brief moment of silence between us before she continued.

          "That's when I went to your father about taking Chase and his crew down. Which was what he was trying to do before Chase killed him." She says.

         I looked up at her after taking a drink of coffee.

         "He killed my uncle?" I asked her pissed off.

         "Yes. And Tommy too." She replies.

         "That son of a bitch." I slammed my coffee mug back onto the tray.

         "Yes well, you're going to need to calm down before you break my finest of dishes and I have to kill you for breaking them." She tells me as she gets up and walks towards the other side of the bed to grab the tray and starts walking out. Though before leaving, she turned around to look back at me and says, "Now I'm not going to tell you again that you need to get some rest and then in a couple of days, we will go and get your family."

          "We?" I looked at her with a cocked eyebrow.

         "Well, not me, but a few people I gave a call to, will go with you to help." She says.

        "Who?" I asked her, curious as to who she knows.

         "Don't worry about it. You will find out in a couple of days." She winks with a smile before closing the door behind her.

         I'm starting to get the feeling that there's more to Ruth than what I thought.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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