CHAPTER 12: Happy Birthday!?

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        So earlier today, since after David and his guy's assured us they'd let us know when they saw Chase or and his crew, we decided to throw Jason a birthday party.

        We had invited all of his friends and their parents, along with of course, Kelsey and Ruth.

        He decided to have a Tim Burton themed party with decorations and all his favorite movies made by Tim Burton would be played.

        Me and Jack, of course, dressed as Jack and Sally (who have always been my favorite couple of all time), and others were dressed as their favorite characters from one of his movies. Which in fact, Ruth's was one of my favorites as she was Mrs. Lovett, who happened to make certain meat pies. Which of course, maid Jason excited. Especially, since what she made was shepherds pie. Though a little creepier looking. But still, Jason's favorite.

        The party was amazing and fun. Jack also seemed to have a great time too.

        I began taking mental pictures in my head of this day and the moments I was experiencing. Because this day was a great day and am so glad that we were able to give it to Jason. Because I'm not sure if this will be able to happen again. At least not here. As I've decided to tell Jack that I would like the three of us, as well as Kelsey too, to come and leave this place. Start a new life somewhere.

         After the party ended, all of the parents and kids left and after Jason took a bath, and after me and Jack got cleaned up and ready for bed also, Jack and I then tucked Jason in.

         Then after kissing him goodnight and getting ready to leave, we hear Jason say something to Jake that made my heart melt.

         "Jack?" Jason says.

         "Yeah buddy?!" Jack replied while turning around and smiling at him.

         "Can I call you dad?" Jason asked hesitantly.

         Though I could tell also that Jack's heart melted as a few tears started to form in his eyes.

         "Of course. I would love that, son." He replies with a smile.

         "Good! Love you mom and dad. Goodnight." He says to us.

         "Goodnight sweetie." We both said together before closing the door behind us.

         To which we then stood outside his bedroom door and looked at each other as we smiled at the fact that Jason had just called him dad.

         We hugged and kissed each other as we both told one another how great it was to hear that.

        Then we started to go around the house and try to clean up and throw things away when all of a sudden, we hear a noise come from outside in the backyard.

         I was a little scared but as I saw Jack pull out a gun from the back of his jeans, I quickly was reminded that we were safe.

        Jack told me to stay back as he pointed the gun ahead of him and as he cautiously and slowly started walking up to the back door, and slowly began opening it, he suddenly saw David stumbling towards the house with Kelsey. It looked like her face was bloodied up pretty good as was his an was holding his stomach that had seemed to be bleeding.

        "What the fuck happened?!" I heard Jack say.

        Then as soon as he shuts the back door and locks it behind him, I see Kelsey is trying to help David walk towards the couch.

        "Oh my god. What happened?" I asked.

        "He was shot. Chase and his guys snuck up on all of us. David and I got jumped and Chase shot him in the stomach." Kelsey began to say.

        Kelsey then lays down David onto his back on the couch while propping hos head up with a pillow before running off to grab a few towels.

        I quickly kneel down beside David by the couch as Kelsey comes running back in with a bunch of towels and we both start trying to get up all the blood or at least enough to clean it off and see if I can stitch the wound up.

         I then hear Jack come up behind us, pissed off.

         "Where the fuck is he?!" Jack asks through clenched teeth.

          Then out of nowhere, we hear Jason screaming from his bedroom, "LET ME GO ASSWIPE!"

          I quickly get up and both me and Jack get ready to run into the bedroom, but are right away stopped as we see both Chase and Chris standing behind us, with a few of Chase's guys who also have guns pointed at us and which, Chris too, is holding Jason by the collar with a gun pointed to his head.

          "Jason?!" I call out.

          "Mom, dad." He begins to cry.

          Jack quickly points his gun towards Chris and continues to also glare back and forth between him and Chase.

          "Come on Sally. You don't wanna make this worse, do you?" Chase asks me.

          I close my eyes for a brief moment, hoping it will help stop the tears from escaping my eyes. Though it doesn't.

          I look at Jason and then Jack who is already looking at Chase, with his gun, pointing at him.

         "Please Chris. Just give me my son." I look at him.

         "Oh Sally. You and I both know this all could've been avoided if you had just told me about Jack returning." Chase began.

         "She doesn't have to do shit for you!" Jack interrupts.

         "Awww how cute. Romeo's standing up for his lady. Just like in the old days." Chase grins. "Man, is this going to be fun!"

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)


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