CHAPTER 15: He Is F***ing Dead!!!!!

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        It's been a few days now since I woke up here in Ruth's place and today I met the guys she brought me.

        They were good friends of her son and seemed to bring a lot to the table.

         I was healing quickly, though maybe I wasn't completely healed, but was better enough to where I could move it a little bit.

         So after meeting the guys and us going over the plan, we hear someone pounding at the door.

         At first, we all look at the door and start to all take out our guns, when Ruth comes running out as fast as she could from the kitchen, towards the door and opens it up.

         She immediately embraces Jason in a hug. "Oh sweetie." She began.

         "Jason?!" I asked in surprise while standing up and placing my gun down onto the table.

         "Dad!!" Jason yells in excitement and I kneel down as I embrace him in my arms and pick him up and kiss his head.

          "Oh my god. I'm so glad you're okay." I begin. Then I look at the door and then set Jason down.

          "Where's your mom?" I asked, worried of what he was going to tell me.

          "She helped me escape. I ran all the way here. She said that he didn't live too far from here, so she told me to run and go straight here. But they're going to hurt her." Jason began to cry a little bit.

         "What do you mean?" I asked him.

         "Well, Chris said to mom, during dinner, earlier tonight, that he was going to do something to her. That started with an 'F' but I'm not aloud to say. And I don't even know what it means, but mom looked scared and sad. You have to go get mom." Jason cries against my stomach while wrapping his arms around my waist and mine around his shoulders and both of us hugging each other as I kiss the top of his head again. While trying to hide the anger I feel right now.

        "Don't worry, I will." I promise him.

         I then look at Ruth and give her a look to take him into the kitchen.

         "Come on sweetheart, let's get you clean clothes and something to eat." Ruth says calmly with a smile as she takes his hand and they begin walking into the kitchen hand in hand as I sit back down in my chair at the table with the guys.

         "Change of plans. We're going tonight. Especially since he's in his house that isn't too far away from here. Which I know exactly where he's at." I smile before grabbing my gun, then putting on my zippered hoodie and put our gloves on then right as they're done doing the same and putting their hoodies over their heads as well as grabbing their guns and other weapons.

        As they head towards the car, I head into the kitchen and kneel down in front of Jason.

        "Look, I'm gonna go get your mom. And I want you to know that I love you. You are the best son anyone could ever have and I know I wasn't here throughout most your life. But I know that I'm the luckiest dad in the world. I love you Son. And no matter what, I promise that everything will be okay." I tell him while fighting back tears as we both start sharing a tight hug.

          "Dad, please don't die." Jason says to me which breaks my heart.

          "I love you Jason. Goodnight." I tell him. Which I know he already knows what that means.

          I stand up and both Ruth and I hug each other.

         "You better come back with her." She says.

         "She'll come back, Ruth. But, there's a chance..." I began to say but then she cuts me off.

         "Please. I know you need to do whatever it is you need to, son." She tells me while also looking down to indicate, just not to say it in front of Jason.

          I nod at her. "Take care of my family. And thank you for everything." I tell her while giving her a quick kiss goodbye on the cheek as we both are trying not to cry.

          I then leave, though before leaving, I take one final look back at Jason who looks at me and begins falling apart and crying really hard into Ruth's stomach as she holds him and nods to me, that it's okay to go now.

          So I close the door behind me and start heading towards the car where the guys were all waiting.


         While on the way over, I was thinking about what my plan was.

         Which again, I know it might sound wrong and stupid, but I needed to have this happen. I needed to die, in order to save Jason and Sally and for them to be safe for the rest of their lives.

        As soon as we pulled up in front of the house, we noticed that many of Chase's men were standing guard out in front of the house, standing guard with guns.

         The time has finally arrived. It was time now to take care of business. And to end this once and for all.

         We didn't wait or hesitate in jumping out of the car and having some of the guys with me to sneek up behind the house to take care of those guys.

           Then as I have the rest of the guys try and take out the guys near the front door, I start to casually walk up with my gun ready to shoot, in my hand behind my back.

          As I start walking closer, suddenly I notice a couple of guys in front of me start walking up to me.

         "Evening guys." I say before then taking out my gun and shooting each one in the head then notice a few other guys starting to shoot at me from the sides as some of the guys that I brought with me, started to shoot and kill them.

           Once I finally kick open the door I immediately begin shooting at all the men who have their guns drawn and are trying to shoot me. Though luckily they are bad aims and I've been good at dodging them.

           Though after I became empty and the rest of the gunshots outside were going off, and while some guys were reloading their guns as I quickly jumped over the table and flipped it to be my shield as I emptied and reloaded my gun. Then took out my other gun and heard the click from the other guys being done with loading, then I quickly get up and start walking forward and turning to my sides, all while shooting at the same time. Then once I became emptied again, I walked up to the guys I hadn't shot yet and just now came running into the living room and we got into a fist fight and throwing each other all over the place.

         Finally, after a bloodied fist and bruised bones, I grabbed several of the dead guys' guns and began cautiously heading upstairs towards finding Chase and Sally.

         Which, before making it to the top of the stairs and even after reaching the top, I shot several guys.

          Then with every room that's door was already opened or and that I kicked open, I looked real quick, cautiously. Then I got to the third door and as soon as I kicked it opened, I saw Sally standing next to Chris as he had her head bent back while he pulled her hair back and also had her hands tied in front of her, along with a bloodied face.

         Then there was a shot fired and the next thing I feel, is my back hitting against the wall hard.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)



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