CHAPTER 16: The Letter

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         I couldn't help but worry about Jason to make sure he made it back safely.

        Though I'm sure he did. I really hadn't expected to have Jack come and save me. Not so that I could be a hero or anything. Though don't get me wrong, I would love for him to and I'm sure he will try. But I would rather him take Jason and leave the country or something.

         Chris had tied my hands together with duct tape, in front of me and had climbed on top of me after pushing me back onto the bed, with his gun pointed right at my head.

          "Go ahead. Shoot me! I bet you're too much of a pussy to pull the fucking trigger, you pathetic excuse for a man." I tell him. Which I know probably I shouldn't have said, though if he was going to rape and kill me anyways, I wasn't going down without a fight and wanted my last words, as his too, to be what I just told him.

            He then slapped me across the face, causing me to scream.

            "You are going to be quiet, cooperate and fucking call me daddy. For you're my little whore now." He says with his alcohol smelling nasty ass breath, burning my nose hairs as he leaned in close enough to kiss me.

          Though I try moving my head away, before he kisses me and he grabs my mouth and squeezes it tightly and hard.

          Then before he get's a chance to do anything else, we start hearing gunshots coming from outside and then in the front. As well as things breaking and everything.

           Chris grabs my arm and harshly pulls me with him as he holds his gun out while walking towards the bedroom door and opens it up a little bit then see's Jack coming up the stairs and shooting. To which makes Chris quickly slam the door shut and locks it.

          Then backs us up towards the corner of the room and across from the door as he knows Jack is coming.

          Though before I could scream, he pulls my head back by roughly pulling my hair and pointing the gun to my neck and tells me to shut up.

         Then the bedroom door is kicked in and in walks Jack. I look at him and smile as he starts to immediately aim his gun at Chris but then Chris shoots Jack, just when Jack shoots Chris in the forehead.

         I see Jack immediately stumble back against the wall as I see him also holding the side of his stomach where Chris' bullet hit him.

       Quickly, I run towards him and put one of his arms around my shoulders as we then begin walking towards the stairs.

        "You need to leave." Jack tells me.

        "I'm not leaving without you." I tell him. "Now come on, we're almost to the stairs."

         As soon as we get to the top of the stairs, suddenly someone behind us kicks Jack from behind, down the stairs. Then right as I turn around, I look and see that it's Chase as he grabs my neck and pushes me up against the wall, trying to choke me til I am dead.

        Then as soon as I feel like I'm about to pass out from the lack of oxygen, I suddenly fall onto the ground, gasping for air and then right as I began to be able to breathe again, I look up and see Chase and Jack fist fighting each other.

         Though as I start to get up, slowly, by the time I am finally standing, I see Chase and Jack throw each other out the window. To which I start to scream in horror as I ran downstairs and outside, crying.

          I stopped beside Jack's, now lifeless body and though I was happy that Chase was dead. Jack was dead too.

          I checked his pulse and as soon as I didn't feel anything, I screamed out loud and cried with everything I had while begging him not to leave me. But he didn't wake up. Then the next thing I knew, I was lifted up by who I soon found out was one of the guy's who Ruth sent with Jack.

          I couldn't help but cry out loud Jack's name, hoping he wasn't really gone and that he would hurry and wake up. But that didn't happen.

        Then after arriving at the house, I saw Jason and he quickly ran up to me and we hugged each other tightly.

         "Where's dad?" He asks me and instead of telling him, I couldn't stop from crying as the images of his lifeless body kept popping into my head.

          I just instead, shook my head while crying and all I could get out was, "He's sleeping."

         To which as soon as I told him, we wrapped our arms around each other tightly and hugged while crying our hearts out.

         The very same thing I had wanted to try and avoid having Jason go through, with Jack getting killed and never returning home, happened anyway.


         A few months after Jack died, from saving us, both Jason and I are still trying to cope with his death. Though we couldn't have a proper funeral for Jack, we still had one and both Jason and I met a lot of new people that apparently Jack knew. And they knew about us.

         Then, after the funeral, Ruth was nice enough to agree in letting us have the get together afterwards, at her bakery shop.

         Which while there, Jason was being distracted by Ruth while I was in the back, crying my heart out as quietly as I could since I've been hiding my crying in front of Jason to try and be strong. Though today, I couldn't hold it in anymore.

        While trying to wipe the tears from my eyes, I hear the door open and turn around, thinking it's Jason or Ruth. But instead, it's the guy who pulled me away from Jack's body that night.

         "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. But Jack wanted me to give you this." The guy says while handing me an envelope before leaving.

          I take a seat as I see both mine and Jason's name on the front. To which I flip it over and open it up, pulling out a letter that he had wrote:

To My Family,

         I know that you are most likely upset with the way things have turned out. Which I hope someday you can both forgive me. And rather you understand it now or later of why I did it, I really did it cause it was the only way to keep you and our son safe.
         I know I should've told you the plan Sally but, I couldn't. I couldn't stand seeing you in pain again. So I took what I'm sure you're thinking as the shitty and cowardly way out and that's why you're reading this.
          We will see each other again cause remember? It's not goodbye, it's goodnight.
           And in the words from your favorite characters in your favorite movie of all time, 'For it is plain, as anyone can see, we're simply meant to be.'
           I love you guys so much and I promise, that you will be taken care of for the rest of your lives and I want you and Jason to be sure that you both move on. I want you to give the next man that comes into your lives, a chance. Because I'm sure he will treat you far better than what I could have and give you what all you both deserve.
            I'll see you both again. Love you!


         From the moment I read to the end, the paper was wet with tears. Even though some of it didn't really make much sense anyways, I still couldn't help but cry. Why would he do this?

         Then the door opened again and as I looked up and saw who it was, I just started breaking down and crying even more.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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