CHAPTER 14: Dinner With The Boss.....

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         It's been a few days since we were taken by Chase. Though luckily, he put both Jason and I in the same cell that's in the basement of his mansion.

         Chase hasn't really come down here, which was good. Though Chris did come down here. Mostly to bring us food and water.

         However, it made it a little difficult to move around much since he had our ankles and wrists chained tightly to the wall. However, not too short of chains to where Jason and I couldn't sit next to each other and I was still able to hold him.

         Sure things could've been worse, though still, we were in a cell that, according to Jason, reminded him of a scene from a movie he saw that took place back in the medieval times and these people were in a dungeon. That looked a lot like this place and smelled revolting.

         I was so proud of my son in how strong he was acting right now and what he told Chris and called him an Ass wipe. I mean, I was really proud at that moment.

         We were sitting with our backs against the wall and he was resting his head on my shoulder as we both shared a brief moment of silence.

         "Dad will come for us, won't he?" He asks.

         "Yes. I'm sure he will." I replied. Though I had no idea for sure if he would or not, but what I did know was that he would try.

         We then suddenly heard the heavy basement door open up and saw Chris come walking down. He had a navy blue dress draped over one of his arms.

        As soon as he stopped in front of our cell door, he looked at Jason, then at me with a huge grin.

        I look down at the dress, then back up at him. "That really isn't your color." I sarcastically remark with a smirk.

        He glares at me before then chuckling. "Boss wants you to put on this dress and your son to put on these clothes and then  join him for dinner in fifteen minutes." Chris says while tossing the clothes onto the ground, through the cell bars.

       He remains standing there. Watching me.

        "Turn around!" I snap at him.

        He just rolls his eyes and glares at me for a moment, then turns his back to us.

        I quickly hand a nice shirt and pants, along with the pairs of shoes that were rolled up in between the clothes, along with some heels for me.

         After getting dressed, I leaned down to help tie the other shoe for Jason while quietly telling him, "Don't say a word up there. Let me do the talking, okay?" I tell him.

        Which he just nods and smiles a little bit in reply.

         I stand up and hold his hand while letting Chris know that we were ready.


        The dining room was magnificent and definiteley was expensive.

         There was several platters that were brought out that could feed a lot of people. However, it was only Chris, Chase, Jason and I who were eating at the table.

          Though I won't lie. Me and Jason (especially Jason) was going to eat all we wanted to, since literally, the only food we got was toast, that was burnt mostly, and dirty water.

           We were all seated and Chase began saying a prayer, which I didn't see the point in someone like him doing such a thing since what he does clearly is not what God would approve of.

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