CHAPTER 9: I'm Not Going Anywhere!

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**Some MATURE Content, towards the end!**   ;)


        After the whole Chris incident, which was nothing more than him reminding me how much trouble Jason and I were in once Chase found out about Jack coming back into town and me not notifying him about it.

        Once we were done telling Jason goodnight, we headed into the living room, as I brought out the First Aid kit to help clean up his small wound from the punch Chris had given him.

         Though while beginning to clean him up, he was looking at me as though he knew I was keeping something from him.

         Which freaked me out a little as I wanted to now wait to tell him cause he still looked pissed and if he was like how he was when he got mad back in the day, I didn't want a repetition of that. Especially when there was a chance for Jason seeing that side of Jack. And especially after assuring Jason that everything was fine about the fight he just witnessed. However, I guess was more of a better time to tell him than any other time.

       "Be honest with me, Sally. Who was that guy?" Jack asked me.

       I shook my head as I looked down, closed my eyes and took a deep breath then let it out before answering and while sitting across from him, with him on the couch still and me on the coffee table, in front of him.

        "When you left, the last time, businesses began to go down. Everyone was almost having to close down the shops and sell out to city people who wanted to build malls and condos and shit like that. We didn't have any money and the town had gotten a bad reputation when your uncle returned to town and everyone found out what he did for a living. So, after he died, Chase returned  and apparently, he too started his own mob. He helped and still is helping, to keep this town the way it's always been. Except, he of course, like always, wanted something in return. He wanted me. But I said 'no' and apparently, no one says no to him. Then once he found out I was pregnant with your kid, he thought it would be the perfect opportunity, to make you come back. So he could kill you. Except, I never could do that. So I didn't look for you and then, once I heard that you took over your uncle's business, I thought, it wouldn't matter anymore." I started to cry a little before continuing to talk, but as soon as I looked up at his face, I noticed he also, sometime while I was talking, removed his hand from me and now, looked more frustrated and stood up.

        "So you wanted to keep me here, so that Chase would come and try to kill me?" He says trying to keep down his voice and anger.

        "No." I said as I stood up and looked at him. "That's not what I'm saying. I said I never wanted to do that. And I didn't. That guy tonight, Chris, he was warning me because I didn't tell Chase you were here. Because I didn't want you killed. And now that he knows, he will tell Chase and now, Jason's life is at stake. And I don't know what to do." I start crying out.

        "Why the hell didn't you tell me all of this before tonight? I mean, how do you expect me to believe you didn't set me up when you knew what would happen if I stayed?" He asks me while walking towards the kitchen counter and places both his hands onto the counter.

          "I didn't set you up. And I don't want you to die. I love you and I know I should have told you earlier. But I wasn't sure how. I mean, with Tommy being killed, you coming back and then finding out about Jason, I don't know, maybe there was a small part of me that was afraid if I told you you would leave again. I really do love you and....and I just....I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I swear, I never set you up. And you should know I would never do that. But if that's what you think, then fuck you. And fuck your I love you's cause you wouldn't say that and mean it and then question me if I set you up to get killed. If I waited all these years, just to set you up.....I just...." I stopped myself from crying. I couldn't anymore, in front of him. So I walked off back into the bedroom and closed the door as I just continued to cry and then strip out of my clothes to clean myself up from when Chris hit me and making me feel disgusted as he touched me. I just stood in the shower and let the water fall over my head and down my body as I cried even harder. Wondering how I could ever allow myself to go through this shit, this pain, again. Except for some reason, I suddenly felt at ease more than usual. Was it cause I had been through this before by him?

         Then I felt his arms wrap around me and start kissing my neck. Which makes me turn around to face him.

          "I'm sorry baby. It's not that I believe you would do that to me. And I'm sorry I said that. I know you wouldn't. And not that it's any excuse for snapping at you but I have quickly become used to this family life that I haven't thought about my other life with the mafia. And on one hand, that's great. But then on the other hand, I am scared. For the first time in my life, I am scared shitless. I'm afraid of anyone hurting you or Jason. Now there is only one way this whole bullshit with Chase, is going to end. And it's the only way I know how. However, I don't want to lose you and Jason. Cause believe it or not, you both are my life now. And I will do whatever it takes to keep you both safe." He tells me with his arms still around my waist.

        And as much as I should push him away and tell him to fuck off, I can't. For the first time in my life, I feel safe with him. And he's right, there is only one way for this to end. Cause I've tried the police, FBI even. Chase already has bought them out. So really, Jack is the only one I trust.

        Which also, makes me think how shitty this situation is. You would think Chase was crazy about me, cause he truly and really liked me. But instead, he just wants me cause Jack wants me. He wants to punish Jack for a reason I don't know. Though what I do know, is that I will protect Jason in whatever way I need to.

          Though for right now, no matter how crazy it is, neither one of us can't help ourselves from having a little makeup sex in the shower, before falling asleep in each other's arms.

          Tomorrow would be the first day of preparing for Chase's arrival.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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