CHAPTER 6: Our First Date

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        It's been a couple of days since Sally agreed to give me another chance and I am more than happy that she has.

        Everything has been happening so quickly since I arrived here, mainly from after seeing Sally again.

        When I'm with her I don't feel like the monster she had accused me of being. Which, not saying I'm going soft or anything, but I feel like for the first time, I'm right where I want to be and not because my uncle had forced me into a lifestyle I didn't want. This time, this was my choice.

        Even though my uncle is gone and I am the leader of his crew, I still feel as though I'm working for him. Like every move and choice I make, it's in reflection of him.

        Though except, again, when I'm around Sally and Jason, I feel different. In a good way of course.

         In fact, I don't think about the mafia and the lifestyle really when I'm around them. Maybe cause I'm just enjoying too much living in the moment or and maybe it's just that I'm in love.

         Tonight, I had asked Ruth earlier if she wouldn't mind watching Jason, while I took Sally out on a date.

         Not that I didn't love spending time with Jason. Cause he was becoming my newest best friend, but I just thought both Sally and I needed some time alone.

         After pulling up into her driveway, I got out and was wearing a nice suit and everything with my hair slicked back and before I could knock on the door, it opened up and saw it was Ruth who answered the door with a smile.

        "Hey there, Romeo." She teased with a smile.

        "Hello Ruth." I smiled at her.

        "Well come on in. Sally will be down in a minute." Ruth says.

        "Thanks." I replied.

        "Jack!" I hear Jason yell out in excitement while jumping up off the couch from the corner of my eye and began running towards me.

        Which I immediately picked him up in my arms and we started hugging each other.

        "Hey little man!" I reply with a smile.

        "Are you taking mom out?" He asks me.

        "Yeah. Is that okay?" I asked.

        "Yeah. But make sure to make her smile. She always looks beautiful doing that." He says.

        "I promise." I chuckle.

         Then we walk into the living room and I sit him down on the couch where I notice, a Disney Pixar movie is playing. He then asks me to sit down next to him, which I do.

        While sitting there for a moment, he scoots in closer towards me and I sat there, with my arm around him and we watched the movie together. Then I saw Sally come walking out of her bedroom and see's us.

        Both me and Jason look at her with our jaws dropped.

        She looks a little worried. "What? Should I change?" She asks.

        "I hope not, cause you look really sexy....I mean, you look beautiful." I quickly corrected myself in front of Jason. While she begins to blush.

         Though I won't lie, if he wasn't here right now, I would take her on the kitchen counter. Damn, I missed those curves.

         I clear my throat as I stand up and straighten my clothes.

         "You look great too." She smiles.

         "Mom? Why can't I come with you guys?" Jason asks her while he walks up to her and wraps both his arms around her waist.

         Before she could answer, Ruth comes walking in with a capri sun, an iced tea for her and some popcorn also while sitting down on the couch.

          "Oh Jason, you don't wanna go with them tonight. They're going to do adult stuff.  Like kissing and holding hands." She says and then both her and Jason say, "Ewww." In unison. Which makes both me and Sally laugh.

         "Yeah, I'll stay here. But, I want to go to the carnival Saturday, with all of us." Jason says.

        "You got it." I reply. As I then look at Sally and she smiles at me.

        "Come give me a hug, Sweetie." Sally says to Jason.

        Which he does and then while Sally grabs her purse, Jason comes and gives me a hug.

        "Goodnight buddy." I tell him.

        "Goodnight, Jack." He says.

         I know it might sound weird for him to call me Jack instead of dad or something, but we haven't yet explained to him who I am. Which we plan to soon, but for now and even after we tell him, I want him to know that I won't rush him into calling me dad. Only when the time is right for him. Cause I'm really interested in making sure this relationship works.

        "So, Ruth, I have my phone on me and..." Sally began but got cut off by Ruth.

        "Sweetie, this may be your first date since Jason was born, but this isn't my first rodeo. We'll be fine." She smiles.

        I look at Sally as she looks wide eyed at Ruth from being shocked and embarrassed that Ruth said that. Which honestly, I'm surprised she hasn't dated anyone. Though at the same time, am happy too because that means, she hasn't been with anyone since me. Well, dating wise.

        Anyways, I shake those thoughts out of my head and we start heading out the door and towards my car and I hold the car door open for her.

        "Thank you." She says.

        "Of course." I reply with a smile.

        Then I get into the car and we start driving towards the restaurant.


       We went to a restaurant that was right outside of town.

        It was a nice restaurant that was a little pricey that I know she wouldn't feel comfortable in but wanted to try it out cause I wanted to take her to a nice place for once. Especially since I can afford it now.

        After being seated, she looked around and was admiring the decor. Then our waiter came by and Sally let me order us some wine. Then we ordered a couple of steak dinners.

         Though it took some convincing for her to agree since the prices, she thought, was too much.

         Then after cheering to each other, after being given our wine, we started talking and catching up with each other.

          I was really fascinated and intrigued by things that she's done throughout the years since I left.

          Throughout the dinner, we ate, drank and talked. She even was genuinely interested in what I did for a living and wanted to know why, of course. Which I knew that was coming. However, I didn't feel ashamed and felt like I could tell her anything.

         By the time I was done telling her all that, I was worried with rather or not she would want to still be with me or not. Which, she seemed to not agree with the lifestyle and would like me to leave the 'family business.' But yet, knew everything would take some time.

        Which is something I had always admired about her. She is the most patient person that I have ever met and known.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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