EPILOGUE: 5 Years Later....

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**Mature content towards the end. Just a little bit though! ;) **


        It's been a few years now since Ben and I got back together and life couldn't be any better.

        I had Ben wait almost two years, before I said 'Yes' to him proposing to me. We got married a year after that and now have a two year old daughter who has her father's eyes and my hair and is definitely a daddy's girl.

        Never would I have thought for my life to have ever turned out like a story or a movie. However, it did.

         We don't have to worry about anybody coming after us and didn't need to leave the country to start a new life.

        We got to stay in our small town and Ben opened his own business and has been doing really good and is always home. He's a great dad and a great husband and we still can't keep our hands off of each other.

         My life may not make sense nor his life make any sense to anyone. It barely makes sense to us. But this is our life. We went through hell and back and are a rare case of what can sometimes happen when two people with different lives, can still come together in the end and make it work while living happily ever after. Or at least, trying to.

        Ruth passed away a year ago from Breast Cancer. So I ended up taking over the bakery for her and the place is still thriving.

       We may not be able to control everything in our lives. But whenever fate steps in, we must learn to accept it. There's a plan for all of us. May not be a plan you agree with, but it's gonna happen.

        I was lucky. Not many people who have been through what we have, make it out alive. And yes we have scars, but they're reminders. Reminders of what we have been through and what has made us who we are.

        I'm not entirely sure what the future holds for us, but for now, taking it day by day and taking nothing for granted, I know we'll be fine.


BEN (Formerly known as JACK)

      I know I am the luckiest person in the world.

      I have an amazingly beautiful and sexy wife, two amazing kids that have all three, stolen my heart.

      Never did I ever imagine I would ever be working a full time, regular job and owning my own business that's legal anyway. But it's a great life.

       For the most part, I don't miss my old life. Cause even though, I still look over my shoulders every now and then, I'm not doing nearly as bad as before. And though I'm not in the mafia anymore, I still have a few guys come over to hang out cause they're still like family and besides, they still do protect me and my family.

      Things couldn't get any better and I'm enjoying every moment I can with not just being alive and everything, but being with my amazing family.

       It's moments like these, that I appreciate the most and wont ever take for granted.

       After walking through the front door, I had expected to be greeted by Sally and our kids, like always. But instead, I entered into what looked to be an empty house.

       All the lights were off and the candles were all lit, which I knew meant that Damien, one of my good friends that I recently hired and was a good friend of ours, was keeping them for the weekend so Sally and I could have alone time. And since I didn't see her anywhere in the living room or the kitchen, though it smelled like she cooked something good, I hung up my coat, loosened up my tie and then started walking towards the bedroom.

       Which as soon as I opened up the door, I saw her lying on the bed, with nothing on, looking sexy as ever while propped up onto her elbows and had her legs spread wide opened.

        "Baby, you look so fucking sexy and beautiful!" I tell her while biting my lip a little bit and starting to remove my clothes.

        Which after I take everything quickly off, I slowly climb onto the bed and on top of her and getting in between her legs as I start kissing her and she giggles.

         I then look into her eyes, "I love you so much." I tell her.

        She smiles "I love you too. Now fuck me!" She says with a seductive sexy smile and tone that causes me to moan.

         "Anything you want baby." I say while covering her mouth with mine and us starting to make out as I slam into her hard and deep, making her scream and moan in my mouth and as she starts to wrap both her legs and arms around me, I begin going faster and faster before she then rolls me onto my back and sits on top of me, cowgirl style, and starts fucking me fast until we both cum together and fall asleep in each other's arms.

                          THE END!!!!!

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