CHAPTER 10: It'll All Be Over Soon!

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For the next few days, after waking up the day after the carnival and the whole incident, Sally told me she wanted to learn how to shoot and wanted to know self defense also.

So for the next almost week, I trained her a little bit.

Then when Jason was around, we pretended like nothing was going on and everything was going to be fine.

You're probably wondering why I haven't just up and left with both Sally and Jason coming with me.

Well, for one thing, this whole bullshit with Chase and all, needed to end. Second, we knew he'd hurt, if not kill both Kelsey and Ruth just to get to us and then once he did, we would end up in the same predicament as we are in now, in him finding us and killing us. Or trying to, at least.

So instead of risking their lives and getting them more involved with this than they need to be, I just called for a lot of my men to come meet me and get ready.

Though of course, after I had trained Sally, she told Kelsey, then Kelsey wanted in on the plan, which I was hesitant, until she reminded me in how she was sure that Chase was the one who killed Tommy and felt that she owed it to Tommy. To which I couldn't say no.

Sally and I felt a little disappointed in ourselves and a little upset when we had to tell Jason we needed to postpone his birthday party. Which at first, he of course was upset.

Though once we promised him how big his birthday party, when we had it was going to be, he was excited and agreed he would rather wait. We also told him that on his actual birthday, he would still get to open presents and have cake and everything. Which again, he was more than happy with.

A few days after calling David and my guys up, they arrived into town and since I had told them not to come in flashy cars or suits, after explaining to them about how he didn't want the town to be more worried and frightened than they already were of the mafia, due to Chase's doing, they of course agreed and came in regular clothes and drove nothing too fancy.

Which then again, I'm the boss, so it wasn't like I needed to explain to them why I asked them to do any of that.

Today, we had a barbecue and invited both them and Kelsey to come over so we could go over the plan and everything while Jason went to stay with Ruth for several days, until this shit ends.

After everyone was introduced and as we all still sat around the table after we ate, I began going over the plans.

I noticed out the corner of my eye a few times, that Sally was looking at me with some admiration and looked a little turned on by how I was now acting like a boss which made me wink and smile at her.

Once I was finished telling them everything and they had asked a few questions, mostly to confirm their positions, Sally and Kelsey were inside, preparing dessert, while a few of the guys were talking among each other.

"So, that's Sally?!" David asks.

"Yeah." I reply with a big smile.

"You're a lucky guy. And you were right, she is amazing." He says with a smile.

"Yeah. Her and Jason are my whole life."

"I know. And don't worry, I have everything set up for you guys for when this is all over. Especially Jason and Sally and including this town. I promise, everything's going to be okay and they'll all be taken care of." David chuckles.

"Yeah, I just wonder how the guys will take it." I replied while taking another drink from my beer.

"I already told'em. And don't worry, remember, we will always have your back. We're family until the end." David assures me.

"Thanks man. I appreciate it." I tell him.

"So, I take it that she doesn't know?!" David asks.

"No. And it's better she doesn't. This has to go smoothly and I'm afraid she wont understand. So it's gotta happen. I know it will be hard for her at first, but I also know that she's strong enough and will move on. I mean, this is the only way for her and Jason to be truly safe for the rest of their lives." I tell him. Though it was a little bit hard for me to get the words out as I began thinking and picturing how mad she'll be after it happens. However, I know in the end, she'll forgive me.

She comes walking out with Kelsey with homemade lattice apple pie that she made earlier and after serving everybody a slice and sits down, her and I look at each other and smile. Then as she begins to eat, I just look at her a little longer with admiration of how beautiful she is and how much I love her and know that no matter how hard this will be for me, I know that it'll all be for the best and it was the right thing.

After everybody left, Sally and I headed back towards the bedroom and made love, twice, before finally falling asleep in each other's arms.

I swear, it's moments like these and the one's we have as a family, with Jason, that makes me feel as the luckiest man in the world.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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