CHAPTER 17: This Isn't A Dream......

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        It's been a few more months since the death of Jack and since we had his funeral.

         Though the night of the funeral, I had walked inside and found her sobbing.

         Then after talking to her for a little bit, I looked down and realized she already received the letter Jack left for her. So I tried making her feel better and after we talked a little bit, at the end of it, we decided that we would just take things one day at a time ans be there to help one another. Though today, I had noticed during work, she was finding it hard, as the other days also, of genuinely smiling. I get she was still mourning him and I know that what I'm about to do is going against Jack's wishes, but I just have to. I can't stand seeing her anymore like this.

        So I pulled her off into the back room to talk to her.

        "I'm sorry." Sally began to tell me. As though she thought I was going to yell at her for her none smiles. But this was bigger.

         "Don't be. But you need to sit down. There is something I need to tell you." I began.

         "What is it?" She worriedly asks.

         "Sweetie, I know what you're feeling right now and I understand, really I do. And what I'm about to tell you is going against Jack's wishes. But I just can't allow you to continue like this any longer." I tell her.

         "What are you talking about?" She asks me.

         "I'm sorry, please forgive me, but I knew from the start what Jack was planning. With his death." I began but was caught off.

         "You what?! Ruth, please tell me you're kidding. Please tell me you would never hurt Jason and I like that. Please." She began pleading with tears coming down her face.

          "I know that this all was terrible. I know I should have told you. But listen to me. There are some things in my past that I am not proud of. Such as the fact that I used to be known as a Mafia Queen. I was married to the leader of the mafia before. Together, we had a son. Then one day, my husband was murdered, for trying to not just try and avenge our son's death, but also, to protect his nephew." I look at her as she looks like she's starting to kind of figure out what I was talking about.

         "Wait. Are you saying..." She begins but I interrupt her.

         "Yes. I am Jack's aunt. And before Jack died, he made me promise not to tell you the truth about what he was planning. But like I said, I can't stand seeing you go through all this pain anymore. So here it is. Jack did not really die."

          "What? Is this some kind of a sick joke? Of course he's dead. We had a funeral for him and I even felt he had no pulse. Why the hell would you say that?" She asks me confused though also sounding a little upset.

           "Listen to me. Jack injected himself with a chemical, right before you went downstairs and found his body, with something that makes it seem as though your pulse has stopped, though it has not. It's complicated to explain, but, I know that he had to kill Jack that night. Because he knew that was the only way to get out of the mafia and be able to live a normal life. With a new identity."

           "What the fuck?! This can't be true. He wouldn't do that. He wouldn't hurt us like that. He promised. Oh my god. Oh my god, I'm so stupid. I can't believe this." She started panicking a little bit.

          "Listen to me carefully, I went through the same thing and right now, Jack is finishing a few things up before he can contact you and explain everything. But know that there was good reason and you need to forgive him. Or at least hear him out because he loves both you and Jason very much."

          "I can't believe this. Both you and him are twisted. And not only is it fucked up that he lied and hurt me, again, but worse, he hurt Jason. And there is no way in hell, that I am letting him near him again. And you know what?" She begins while standing.  "I've been going back and forth, if rather or not, I should take Jason and leave. And it was hard to think about leaving you and starting fresh somewhere else. But you've made it easy for me now. There's nothing left here for us. So I'm giving you my two weeks notice today. And if Jack or whatever his new identity is, both of you stay the hell away from us."

        She begins walking away as I then get up and gently grab her arm.

        "You can't mean that. I love you. As does he. I know this all sounds crazy and everything and is hard for you to grasp now, because it was the same way with me and my husband when he had to do the same thing. But this is true love. This is fate, no matter how sick and twisted it can be at times, you both are meant to be. And you know that. Cause in case you did not catch in the letter that he wrote to you, in the part that he said he wants you to move on and give the next man a chance, well he was talking about him. And the only reason it has taken this long for him to return, is cause he must play as his new identity and establish a new life, before bringing in you two. So go ahead and leave with Jason. Start anew somewhere. Maybe you will even find someone else. But deep down, you'll always know that there was only one true love for you. Or if not for yourself, think about Jason, living without a father. You of all people should know what that's like." I tell her in a true but non harsh tone.

       She then breaks down and starts to sob as she realizes I'm right. Then I have her continue to cry on my shoulder as we both hold each other.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)





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