CHAPTER 11: The Time Has Come!

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        In a few days, I will finally have my revenge on Jack.

        That pathetic piece of shit, took what was mine. And no, I'm not talking about Sally.

         Sally was always an easy person to manipulate. She was a pawn in my game.

        I knew that she would be the only reason Jack would return. At least that's what I thought, until almost six years passed by and still, no contact. I knew I needed to up my game at that moment.

         So what better to do that than to kill Tommy. His best friend.

         Sure we all grew up together and shit, but, I was never one of them. They all had better lives than I did. Maybe not perfect, but they were always the kind of people that would try and look at the bright side of whatever shitty situation they were in at the time. As for me, I ended up accepting my fate and how the world works.

         What mainly started my hatred for Jack, was when I noticed that the life his uncle was trying to give him, Jack didn't want it.

         He was given the opportunity to become a boss. Practically a ruler of the world, get paid a lot, get whatever woman you wanted (though he never had issues in that department) and take over his uncle's business. Which he was well feared and respected around the world as the leader of one of the biggest mafia there was. But for some reason, I still to this day, don't understand is how the hell he turned it down and then yet, still became the fucking leader after his uncle's death.

        He was handed a gift. The privilege of being his own boss, having the world and anything he wanted at his fingertips. He didn't earn his way to the top, it was fucking handed to him. And I hate oeople who get handed such privilege as he has and doesn't want it, yet does it because he feels he has to.

         I swear that when I killed his uncle, I thought I would've been given the position of being the boss, seeing as how I worked for his uncle since I was younger and I looked to him as the father I never had. But no, the motherfucker put his piece of shit nephew, Jack, as the new boss.

       So I left. I formed my own crew and have been making such a reputation for myself, that I planned in taking Jack down. To show everyone, who the TRUE Mafia King was.

        So for years I waited for his return. In fact, I hadn't expected him to have taken so long to come back. Though now I know why, because Sally never told him she was pregnant. However, I knew there was only one more puzzle piece missing. Something I hadn't tried yet. So I tortured and murdered Tommy.

       Tommy and I have corresponded with each other every so often, since right after Jack's uncle died, I was their only way from keeping city rich assholes from destroying this town and creating condos and malls and some boring shit that puts money in their spoiled rich ass pockets. So that's when I took over taking care of the town and keeping businesses opened.

        Though my only condition, was mainly if when the time came, where I needed Sally and Kelsey's cooperation as well as the rest of the town's, in letting me know when Jack returned.

         However, I didn't find out he returned until a little over a week after he did. The night when Chris told me Jack was back in town and has been for a while, trying to become the 'Family Man', I instantly became enraged. Because obviously, that meant that I wasn't informed about it by Kelsey or Sally.

         Which as they already knew, meant bad things were going to happen to not just them.

         So now, my guys and I are getting ready to having me, make an example out of Jack. A reminder of what happens when my orders are disobeyed and who runs this town.

        Don't get me wrong, Sally is a great girl and is pretty but, too curvy to be shown off as a Mafia queen. Jason is a cool kid too. But ain't ready for that daddy role shit. I can't stand kids, to be honest.

        "Boss?! It's time." Chris interrupts my thoughts and we head to one of the SUV's and start heading towards town. Though it was a few hours away from us.

Sorry for the shortness of this chapter but, not much really to say about Chase, to be honest. He's more the type to not say so much about himself, just enough.

Also, next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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