CHAPTER 4: I've Missed You

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        After arriving into town and running into a few familiar faces, I get ready and start heading towards the funeral, since my flight was delayed and got me here with only an hour to get ready for the funeral and check into the hotel.

        When I arrived, I saw Kelsey and wanted to walk up to her and comfort her, but then I saw Sally and a little boy walking with her, along with Ruth by her side as they all sat next to each other and the little boy started hugging and sitting down on Kelsey's lap. Did her and Tommy have a kid? Were they married? I thought to myself.

        I decided that right now wasn't the best time to talk with her and to see Sally. I at least should wait until we all head back to Kelsey's house afterwards.

        So instead, I stood behind a row of people and luckily had my sunglasses on, so that Sally didn't spot me. As well as so I can look at her and not have to worry about her noticing I am.

        The minister begins talking and I can't help but begin to tear up as I was looking down at the casket of where inside, was my best friend. One of the coolest people I have ever known.

         Then I looked up at Kelsey and Sally and  saw Sally was now looking at me. Shit, I think she spotted me. Yep, I can tell she did, she has a look of being unsure if it's me or not but then starts getting more upset and teary eyed, before Kelsey elbows her arm a little and then I see Sally getting up and walking to where the Minister was.

        As she began talking, which I thought was adorable of how nervous she was, I started thinking of how beautifully curvy she still looked. And the more she talked, the more I remembered about all the good times we all had together, especially in the fort.....And wait a minute, did she just say, Fiance? Kelsey and Tommy were engaged? And Sally has a son? That's her little boy? Oh my god, what all happened while I was gone?

         After the ceremony was finished, everyone was comforting Kelsey before heading back to their cars and back to her house.


        When pulling up to Kelsey's house, I noticed that almost every thing still looked the same. Even in the backyard, I noticed our fort was still there.

        While walking inside the house, I suddenly felt like I did when I was a teenager and the last time I was here. Memories started flooding back to me.

       It's like I walked into the past and don't even feel like a ruthless Mafia leader right now.

       Which I was expecting people to say something, as I'm sure they know who I am. This is, after all, a small town.

       However, while walking through the house and seeing everyone and saying hi to several, everyone seems to be either caught up so much in what's going on right now, or they don't know. Which I'll go with option two.

       Then as I make my way more towards the back, I see Kelsey, standing around and talking to several people. Then she looks over at me and smiles big, as she starts making her way through a few people towards me and we start hugging each other.

       "Thank you for coming!" She says.

       "Of course. I'm so sorry Kelsey for your loss. I'm sorry I couldn't be here." I began to say while trying to fight back tears.

        She pulls away and smiles at me as she wipes a couple tears away from my cheeks.

        "You're here now. That's really all that matters." She tells me.

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