CHAPTER 2: Hello Again, Past

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My cell phone goes off as I'm lying asleep in my bed naked with another naked stranger that I hooked up with last night.

She moves a little at the sound, then rolls with her back to me as I reach for my phone.

"What?!" I answer groggy.

"Hey, you need to get here to the warehouse, quick." One of my guys, David, tells me.

"I'll be there in thirty." I reply before hanging up.

Then as I sit up and put on my boxers, while lighting up a cigarette, I feel the girl's hands on my chest, which makes me immediately get up and start walking towards the bathroom.

"Wan't some company?" The girl asks seductively while exposing her fake breasts.

"I want you to be gone by the time I'm done with my shower. Which only takes me a couple minutes." I tell her.

"Fucking asshole." She says while grabbing her clothes and beginning to get dressed.

"Yes, you did." I say with a smirk, before walking into the bathroom and shutting the door behind me.

I quickly jump into the shower, get dressed and head down to the warehouse.

After arriving, a couple of my guys that are standing guard outside of the building, greet me and open the doors open for me.

I walk up to David and a group of my men. As they're all standing around in a circle. Which I soon find out, they're all surrounding a bloodied and beaten men who's tied to a chair with his hands behind his back.

"Boss, we found Charles here, trying to give information to our number one enemy." David says as he see's me approaching.

I look at the guy and could tell that soon, he would lose conscious.

So I walk in front of him and crouch down, while looking at him.

"You know who I am?!" I ask him, though I know he's new to my gang. Yet, everybody knows me.

The guy slowly nods his head. "Yes."

"Yet, you still go against me." I say while standing up and walk slowly back and forth in front of the guy as if he's my prey as I continue talking. "Tell me, how long have you been with my crew?"

"For almost a month." The guy spits out more blood from his mouth after replying.

"One whole month huh? And you still don't get in what happens when somebody goes against me?! Explain to me what your business is with Emilio and his gang?" I asked while standing in front of him with my arms crossed. "Because to me, that get's me to thinking you were either working with him all along and trying to figure a way in trying to take me down or that he offered you a better position in his crew, than I did in mine. So, which one was it?" I finish.

"What does it matter? You're going to kill me anyways." The guy says.

I look at him with an evil grin. "So you do know what happens?!" I tell him.

I look at a couple of my guys who are standing behind him and give them a nod to indicate to them that they can finish him off since he wont talk anymore and since I don't like wasting my time.

Then as the others stand there to watch and help out if needed, I see David nod at me to let me know he needs to talk to me about something.

Though right as I walk up to him and we start walking away from the guys, he has his phone in his hand and hands it to me.

"It's Kelsey. She says she needs to tell you something." David tells me with a worried look on his face.

So I take the phone from his hand and put it up to my ear.

"Kelsey?" I answer.

"Hey, Jack. It's been a while." Kelsey says on the other end of the phone.

"Yeah." I reply surprised that I'm talking to her, though we haven't spoken in years.

"How are you?" She asks, just trying to make conversation.

"Fine. You?" I ask.

"I'm good." She replies, though I can tell by the tone of her voice.

"How's....." I pause for a moment as I begin to ask myself if I should even ask about Sally.

"She's good. She doesn't know I'm talking to you though." She says, knowing I meant Sally.

I quickly clear my throat and start to shake off the feelings that are trying to come up as I begin thinking about Sally.

"So what's up?" I ask.

"It took a long time to track you down, but...Well, I've been debating if I should even call you." She begins but I quickly cut her off.

"Can you please just get to the point." I tell her while trying not to sound rude, but at the same time, letting her know I'm busy.

"Tommy has been killed. He was killed a few days ago and we are holding a funeral for him the day after tomorrow. It's in our town. It's at 10 AM. Of course, you don't have to come but, I would really appreciate it if you would come. I know he'd want you to be there....And even though she deny admitting it, I know Sally would like you to be there too."

It's quiet for a moment as I'm trying to take everything in. Who the hell would've killed Tommy? I immediately get snapped back into reality when I hear her say my name a couple of times on the phone.

"Sorry, uh, yeah. I'll be there." I begin to say as I head her sigh in relief over the phone.

"Thank you." She says with a sniffle.

"Of course. And Kelsey, I'm sorry." I tell her.

"I know. Thank you." She says before we both hang up.

David pats me on the back a little. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Someone killed Tommy." I tell him through clenched teeth as I told him what happened. And as I said what happened, I realized what I had said and started clenching my fists.

"I'm sorry man. We'll find out who did it and we'll take care of it." David assures me.

Which, even though David never knew Tommy personally, he knew about him from me talking about him and everything.

Now even though no one could ever measure up to Tommy's and my friendship, David was the next best friend and only person I could as much as Tommy.

Which also came in handy in situations like these where I had to attend a funeral.

I asked David if he could take care of a few things while I was gone, which of course he said he would.

So after getting in my car to start heading back towards my house to begin packing a few things, I booked a flight to the small town in Indiana that I grew up in.

New chapter will be posted soon! :)

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