CHAPTER 5: Let's Start Over?!?

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        Once we got to his car, it definitely looked like like a rich man's car.

        "Wow. This is nice." Jason says excited.

         Then as I see Jack open up the door to the backseat for Jason, he says, "Hop on in buddy."

         I quickly intervene. "Wait. Let me at least have him sit on my jacket so he doesn't get your seats dirty."

         "It's cool. I don't care. I can always clean it later." Jack says with a smile.

         "Alright." I smirk. "But at least be careful not to dirty up the car so much." I tell Jason.

         "Okay." Jason says before getting in the backseat and buckling up.

         Then Jack opens up the door for me as well, on the side of the front passenger seat.

         "Thanks." I tell him as I get in and start getting buckled after he closes the door and goes towards his side and gets in to start heading towards the house.

         The car ride was a little awkward as we sat there in silence. Well, at least I did. Jason was so excited and fascinated that he was in a fancy car and was asking Jack a lot of questions. Which was adorable, I thought. Especially since Jack answered with a smile or a laugh every now and I especially liked it when I noticed Jack not seeming to get irritated at all the questions.

        Once we pulled up to the house, I was about to thank him, when Jason started talking.

        "Jack?! You wanna come inside and play Legos with me?" He asks.

        I notice Jack smiling at him and then looks at me as I decided to answer for him.

        "Actually, Jason, Jack is tired and wants to get some rest. It's been a long day." I say to Jason, before looking back at Jack.

         "Aww, really? Well, can you come over tomorrow?" He asks.

         Jack then looks at me as if he's waiting for me to say something.

        "Sweetie, why don't you go inside and let me talk to Jack real quick." I tell Jason while handing him the keys.

        "But can he come over tomorrow?" He asks.

        "We'll see. Now go inside and I'll be there in a minute." I tell him.

        "Okay." Jason replies before saying goodnight to Jack and then heading towards inside the house, disappointed.

        To which after I see he's gone inside the house, I look down at my hands on my lap.

        "He seems like a great kid." Jack says.

        Which after saying that to me and after what I witnessed on the way over here, makes me want to tell him, if he hasn't already figured it out yet, that Jason is his, but I'm scared and nervous too.

        "Look. I know you wanna talk. But, there is really nothing to say. You left, I had a kid and Tommy's dead. And you became a monster. There's nothing left to say now. Besides, I don't want my son to get attached to you when you're gonna leave soon anyways and he's already lost someone close to him. I'm not gonna put him through that pain again. I can't go through that pain again." I tell him.

       "Sally..." He begins but I cut him off right away.

       "Please, Jack. I appreciate you coming back for Tommy's funeral and for the ride. But, you're only going to make things worse if you stay. So just leave. And do us a favor and never come back." I cry at the end while opening the car door and start walking into the house.

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