Chapter 23: The Garden

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//TW: swearing\\


I'm not quite sure which I heard first upon waking up the next morning: the gentle pattering of soft rain droplets against the window or the fluttering, melodic song of Thomas's gentle breathing.



Thomas. Thomas and everything he stood for. Thomas and his soft, gentle smile. Thomas and his pretty, tinkling laugh. Thomas and his warmth spreading through my veins like the sweetest of poisons as he pressed himself up into my chest, never close enough. Thomas and his sweet, soft-spoken song drifting through a world that would never deserve to hear it, the only thing responsible for making it a better, brighter place.

I soaked in every last detail I could pick out in that moment forever lost in time, overwhelmed by the pure essence of Thomas and the simple truth that he was all mine.

I laid there, frozen in place as I drank in the sight of him, pressed so close to the point where there was no space between us. My heart leaped high into my throat as the memories of the night before came fluttering back slowly, filling me with their wonderful bliss. I let out a breath, feeling finally returning to my fingers.

I couldn't really take my eyes away from him. He was the only thing that mattered in this world, and everything else fell away when dwarfed by the beauty of his glow. So I watched him as he slept, as he clung tightly to me, knowing that there would never be a place for us that wasn't as perfect as the one we were in right now. This was our sanctuary, our safety away from the rest of the world. Already, I could feel it trying to pry in, to rip us apart, but I pulled him tighter and buried my face in his hair, clutching at his shoulders in hopes I could forever keep him from flying away. I drank in the simple nearness of him, getting high off of it as though it was the worst of drugs. 

I blinked, taking in the sights and the feelings and the sounds greeting me on such a perfect morning, allowed myself a smile, and slid my arms down to wrap around his waist. He shifted against me, pushing himself closer. And God it felt good. Never had anything felt so right before. Never had something fit so well together as his body did in my arms. Like we were meant for each other, like destiny had decided since the dawn of time that this was how it had always been meant to play out.

His warm breath fanned against my neck like gently dancing butterflies fluttering through the air; his body fit against mine rather perfectly, leaving no space wasted between us; his arms stayed wrapped around the back of my neck, clinging to me as though he was afraid to let go. I cradled him as softly as I could, terrified of what would happen should I squeeze too tightly. But it was impossible not to look down at him and feel that utter and complete swell of happiness rise through my chest as I slid one hand up to brush the curls of his messy hair out of his face. I was flying, gliding easily through the air without a single care left in the world.

Thomas was amazing. There was no other word for it. He was gorgeous and sweet and he had felt so right in such a variety of ways. The taste of his lips against mine still lingered, the scent of his rosy perfume still filled the air, though now accompanied by the rest of his plants placed in every open spot throughout the room.

I took in the moment for everything it was. I basked in the feeling and delighted in the warmth, knowing that Thomas was mine and I was his.

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