Chapter 35: Hold On While You Can

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//TW: swearing, trauma, harassment, physical abuse, and bruises\\


"Dump Alexander."

"John—" Thomas's voice floated through the apartment as I stepped inside, a note of concern tainting the music that reached my ears. My muscles tensed as I quietly closed the door behind me, waiting with a sense of vitriolic anger that fueled a fire deep inside of me. My fingers curled into fists as I readied a thousand sharp insults with the sole intent to defend my Thomas.

"Dump him. Do it now."

"John are you crying?" Thomas said, his laugh an instant relief far more effective than any kind of euthanasia. I let myself relax, finally releasing the tension that had built up all day since the moment I had left him that morning. A sigh coaxed itself from my lips, but neither of the other two noticed me, not even as I stepped forward into the natural light pouring through the room.



"This is the nicest fucking thing anybody's ever done for me, okay? Dump Alexander and date me instead!"

Thomas laughed, and I let myself revel in the music of his laughter for just a moment longer, afraid that if I stepped into something that wasn't mine, I would watch it slip right through my fingers. A heavenly scent drifted through the air, sweet and warm and perfect that made my mouth water in less than a few seconds. I let my guard down; I let the worries and the troubles of the day wash away under a gentle rain. And for the first time that day, the air I breathed in was sweet and refreshingly cold.

"Why are we dumping me?" I asked after gathering the courage to intrude on the moment. But the glimmer of joy didn't flicker from Thomas's eyes as I joined John at the counter. If anything, it only intensified, and what better feeling is there than to know that you are the reason somebody's happy? My heart could have stopped in my chest and I wouldn't have even noticed, as lost as I was in Thomas's gaze and his blindingly perfect smile. There was nothing else in the world as long as there was him, and I wouldn't mind it at all if it stayed that way.

John crossed his arms. "You can't have him anymore. Thomas is my boyfriend now. You don't get a say in the matter." I opened my mouth to question him, but John cut me off a second later. "Alexander, he's making me cheesecake. You know how much I fucking love cheesecake. He did this for me. Because he could. This isn't fair, and you don't deserve him, and I'm going to date him now."

"Okay," I said, glancing up at Thomas as he set to work cutting into the cheesecake. "And what's your stance on this?"

Thomas shrugged, never taking his eyes off of the dessert as he continued creating his masterpiece. A coy smile played across his face, a rarity, but a delightful one. "I figured you can't leave me for John if I leave you for John first."

Okay, as stupid and ridiculous as it, I have to's not a terrible thought...

"Is this what it feels like to be loved?" John chirped. A twinge of greed and absolute delight overtook his gaze as Thomas served him a generous slice of cheesecake.

I laughed, grinning up at my Thomas as he fetched another plate and cut a slice for me. For a moment, everything was perfect, especially as Thomas took another piece for himself—a bit smaller, but at least it was something—and smiled the second he delicately slipped the fork into his mouth. John groaned in absolute delight, shoveling the dessert into his mouth with a ferocity that made me laugh.

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