Chapter 13

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"The stars are brightly shining"

Smut? Coughs*

You and Jimin decided to leave the car and fin the nearest hotel to stay in.

While you were both wallking, Jimin walked towards you and bend so you can ride his back.

Do you want a piggy back ride? He asked you.

No its okay im not tired yet-

Jimin cut you off by pulling both of your hands while his back facing you..He piggy back ride you until a loud thunder came.

*insert thunder sounds*

What the fuck-

You shouted being panicked.

Jimin laughed his ass off because you nearly jumped at his back from scaredness.

You lightly punched Jimin at his chest making him slightly chuckle until a heavy rain fell down from the sky.

You climbed down from Jimin's back and Jimin hugged you tightly making sure that you will not get wet.

While you were running through the rain you saw a light coming from somewhere. While you two were getting closer to the ought you both saw that it is a motel.

Yah Jimin look there's a motel. You told Jimin.

Is it okay to for us to stay there? Jimin asked you.

Umm yeah~ its the nearest place we can stay until the rain stop.

You and Jimin walked inside the motel and met a lady.

Excuse me do you have anyrooms? Jimin asked.

We only have 1 room left. The Lady said.

Hye-ssi let's leave theres only one room left.

No it's okay~ We can share one room right? You asked Jimin.

Ummmm~ i think so.

Looks like you two loviedovies are planning for a romantic night huh? The lady asked teasing you both.

No! You both answered at the exact same time.

So whats your decision? will you get the room?

Umm~ yes. Jimin said hesitantly.

The lady give you the key and gave a you a "have a fun romantic night look"  You just replied the lady with "You dont fucking care look"

You both reached the room and opened for the door. When Jimin is opening the door suddenly a super loud thunder came again.

Without you noticing you hugged Jimin because of too shockness because of the thunder

Fuck you thunder

Jimin looked at you smirking and kinda blushing. You playfully rolled your eyes on him.

Yah Hye-ssi you should take a shower. You dont want to catch colds right?

But im afraid my burns will ache again.

Jimin took out your medicine. A lotion that can cure burns and a cuetip as an apply-er.

Since you cant reach your back because your shoulders are short,  Jimin insisted putting the lotion at on back.

Jimin raised your clothes a little bit high so he can see the burn on your skin. Below your bra strap.since the burn reached in the middle of your bra strap, He asked you if its okay for him to remove your bra strap temporarily so he can see the burn.

My Tutor is Park Jimin |P.JM| FanficWhere stories live. Discover now