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"There's no way. They have to be related in some way other than just being from the same town." I say as Ali and I's stalking session comes to a dead end.

"Maybe Alex was right."

"Maybe Alex is hiding something. Maybe she knows something that she's not supposed to and doesn't want Tobin to know that she knows." I say and Ali sighs.

"Yeah, no, let's go get some food. You get crazy when you're hungry." Ali says to me and I scoff.

"I'm not crazy, you're crazy." I defend and Ali rolls her eyes, pushing me out of the house and to her car, where she drives us to our favorite restaurant, where we get notifications from Tobin and Y/N's instagrams saying that they've posted, and I look at the posts after ordering.

'Movie date with Little Sister, Love this kid.'

And it's a picture of Tobin and Y/N in the cinema lobby, with Y/N on Tobin's back, both of them laughing, and then I check Y/N's post.

'Movie night with Big Sister, had a blast, kinda want to do it again.'

And this time they're leaning against a wall, looking at the camera and pointing their thumbs at each other. First comment is from Mal;


"They have to be related. I mean come on. They're practically twins. Minus the ten year age difference." I say and Ali sighs.

"Yeah. Alright. I believe you now."


It's been a couple of weeks since the little movie date with Tobin, and my teeth have been hurting for the past week, so I call Tobin.

"Hey little sis, what's up?" She asks and I sigh as I sit down on the couch.

"I need a dentist." I say and roll my eyes at her response.

"Sorry, I'm a soccer player. I can't help you." She says and I huff.


"Alright, alright, I'll call mine and see if we can get you in."

"Thank you." I say before setting my phone to the side when she hangs up. Ten minutes later, Tobin calls me back.

"That was fast."

"Yeah, get your shoes on, I'm coming to pick you up, you've got an appointment in a half hour."

"Oh, shit, alright." I say before hanging up and getting ready. After a couple of minutes, Tobin comes banging on my door and I sigh as I open it. "You are going to get me thrown out of here, and I'll be forced to adopt the nomad lifestyle you had for so long." I say and she shrugs.

"Could do you some good."

"Tobin, I swear, I'm gonna sock you in the jaw and make you pay for both our dental bills." I say and she holds her hands up in surrender.

"You're feisty today." She comments and I shrug before hopping onto her back.

"Don't care, take me to the doctor, Big Sister." I say and smile when she actually gives me a piggy back ride to the car, and drives me to the dentist. And that's why Tobin was out for the majority of the 2017 season. I broke her. My bad yo.


After a while of waiting, I'm called back, and led to the X-Ray room so they can get x-rays of my teeth to see what's causing my pain. After that, I'm taken back to the waiting room to wait another twenty minutes before being taken back.


I sigh as I get out of practice and use my shirt to wipe the sweat off my face as I head into the locker room.

"Mal, your phone is ringing. Says 'baby' is calling you." Havana says and I jog over to my locker and grab my phone and answer the call from Y/N.

"Hello?" I ask and furrow my brow when I hear Tobin on the other end.

"Hey kid." She says and I sit down, completely confused.

"Tobin. What?"

"Oh, uh, your girlfriend is at the dentist currently, she left her phone with me and forgot to turn her passcode back on. Got bored and decided to call you, everyone else she regularly talks to I either don't know or talk to them all the time. Haven't seen you or spoken to you in a while, so hi."

"Uh, give me a second, I need to change." I say before changing into my street clothes before heading out of the locker room with my things and my phone up to my ear. "I'm back. Now, why is Y/N  at the dentist?"

"Because she's in pain." She responds and I sigh.

"Why didn't she tell me?" I ask as I get in my car.

"I dunno, she's your girlfriend, you should know why she didn't tell you." Tobin responds and I groan.

"How long has she been there?"

"Bout an hour. Kinda wondering if she's getting her wisdom teeth out or something." She says and I chuckle.

"If that's what happened, get video, that'll be amazing." I say and Tobin laughs.

"Don't have to tell me twice. I'll let you go though."

"Alright, later."



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