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While Y/N was taking a nap, I went downstairs and hugged my parents tight.

"I miss you guys." I say to them and they smile at me.

"We miss you too, Tobs. How is Y/N?" Mom asks and I sigh.

"At the moment, she's taking a nap. Hopefully when she wakes up she won't clam up like she did, not as easily at least."

"But in general?"

"She's alright."

"What's with the scab on her cheek?" Dad asks and I sigh.

"Gym mishap." I say and our parents furrow their brow. "She got distracted and a battle rope popped her in the cheek. It's nothing serious. She's fine now. She was fine all along, just a little cut." I explain and they nod.

"She doesn't remember us."

"She's never really met you guys. The only parents she's ever known are Diana and Fred."

"We had no choice, Tobin." Dad says and I nod.

"I know this. She knows. But that doesn't change the fact that she's never seen you guys. At least not with the knowledge that you two made her." I say as we sit in the living room.

"Do you know where the anxiety came from?" Mom asks and I shake my head. "Has she always had it?" Mom asks and I nod.

"She's struggled with it for as long as I've personally know her, yeah." I say and my parents sigh. We spend a little while longer talking, me filling them in on the important things, but not the FWB thing with Mal and Logan, that's something Y/N should tell them herself, if she ever feels comfortable enough to. Our conversation is cut short though, when I hear Y/N sobbing up in the room, so I get up and sprint up to her, ignoring my parents worried looks, when I get to the room, she's curled up in a ball, just sobbing, so I go and let her know I'm here and let her crawl into my lap. "You're okay. Whatever it is, you're fine. You're safe." I say to her and she keeps crying, slowly calming down and I sigh, rubbing her back and playing with her hair. "What was it?" I ask her and she sighs, sitting up and wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Just a dream." She says and I look at her. "You, my mom, my dad, my little brother, and everyone else I cared about were all in the same room, murdered, Jaelin did it." She says, just shaking like a leaf, and I sigh.

"I'm okay, you're okay, everyone is alright. We're safe." I reassure her and she sighs, hiding in me and I sigh. I wish I knew what messed Y/N up so bad. I know that what Mal did to her made it worse, but Mal didn't cause it. She's always had this. Once Y/N had calmed down, she sat up and hugged me.

"Thank you, Toby." She says and I rub her back. "I love you, sister." She finishes and I kiss her temple.

"You should know by now that I'm always here. I almost broke my ankle getting up here." I say and Y/N laughs.

"Please don't do that, I'm only staying with Portland for you. If you break yourself, I'll have to be the Heath of the team." Y/N says and I smile.

"Are you ready to go talk with our parents? They're not going to try hugging you again just yet." I say and Y/N sighs.

"I guess." She says and I nod, she gets off of me and I get off of the bed, letting Y/N take my hand as we head downstairs. When we get to the living room, Y/N sits with me on the couch and plays with her hands as we talk for about an hour.

"So what do you do besides soccer, Y/N?" Dad asks and she sighs.

"I'm a musical prodigy, so music has always been a huge part of my life, I used to play basketball and softball growing up, I model for my sponsors when they need me to."

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