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"Dude. That's perfect." I say to Y/N, who looked at me with a proud grin on her face. She had found a tattoo of the Colorado flag above the Rocky Mountains, and I just knew that Mal was going to love it.

"Thanks. I really wanted to get something with meaning for her." Y/N says, and I smile at my sister.


In the morning, Mal and I met at a different shop than the one we went to a few nights ago, because that one didn't open until, like, two, and I had to meet with Tobin and the realtor at 1, so Mal and I met at 9, she had an appointment, and I'd stay until either the tattoo was completed, or I had to leave. While Mal filled out what she had to, I spoke with the artist, and told her everything she needed to, once I did that, she gave me her number so I could text the picture to her, when I did, and she received the text, she thanked me while she left the room, so I went and sat beside Mal, who was texting her sister.


A while later, after the artist had come back, shown me the design, received approval of it, and readied her station for Mal, we were called back. Once I had seen the stencil placed on the inside of Mal's left bicep, I went back to the waiting area while the artist went to work. While Mal was busy with that, I texted Tobin, Jade, Shane, and Roman, all separately. I was planning to go to Roman's place, and Shane's, while being filled in on my girlfriend's day, which, in her words, is boring so far, with Tobin, her and I were taking turns sending dumb shit to each other. After three hours, Mal called me over, so I got up, and walked over to watch her reaction once she saw what was on her arm. When she did, she waited until her bicep was wrapped in plastic before coming and hugging me tight.

"I take it you like it." I say, chuckling as I return the hug.

"I love it, Y/N." She says, and I grin.


As soon as I got home, Tobin and I had to pack for camp. We got the call last night, so we childishly decided who would do the laundry, and Tobin lost Rock, Paper, Scicors, she lost Nose Goes, and she lost the juggling contest we had, so in a best three out of four, she challenged me to a race down the street, and back, she lost that, too, so she had to do both of our laundry while I slept and went with my ex to get her tattoo.


As I'm sitting at the airport, waiting for my flight out to North Carolina, I babied my sore arm, looking over when I hear someone speak up.

"Hey there, Pugh." Y/N asks, plopping down in the empty seat beside me while Tobin quietly sits on the other side of me.

"Hey, guys." I respond, and Y/N gestures to my arm.

"How's it feeling?"

"Sore." I say, and she nods.

"I figured." She says, and I sigh.

"I couldn't get any sleep last night." I say, and Y/N raises a brow at me. "I couldn't find a comfortable position. If I lay like I usually do, it hurt my arm, and any other way, I can't sleep." I say, and she gives me a guilty grin.

"Has this been an issue since you got it?" She asks, and I nod.

"Sorry." She says, and I sigh.

"You like to sleep on your stomach, so I'm guessing you sleeping after yours wasn't too pleasant either. I guess that means we're even." I say, and she grins.

"You can use my shoulder to nap on until we have to board our flight, how about that?" She asks, and I groan as I lay my head on her shoulder.


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