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It's nearly 2am when Louis comes home from his shift at the small bar that's located only a few minutes away from his house. Working has been quite stressful during the last weeks and it gets more and more difficult for Louis to combine his studies and the job without being exhausted and tired at university. When Louis comes home, he's absolutely done with everything and everyone. He throws his rucksack into a corner in his room, quickly takes off his jeans and sweater and flops onto bed without even having a shower or brushing his teeth. The only thing he can think of is that he won't have to work next weekend - for the first time in weeks. As soon as Louis closes his eyes he's fast asleep.


Louis shares a house with his friends Stan and Keira who he knows from university. The terraced house is located near Hampstead, one of the most beautiful and expensive areas in town. If it wasn't for Stan's dad, they probably couldn't afford living there at all but since Mr. Lucas is respected for his work at the construction company that owns the house, the boss did agree to rent it on special terms.

It's a typical English brown brick stone house with a tiny front garden. The living room and the kitchen are on the ground floor. Both rooms lead to the typical, elongated back yard. Louis and Stan live on the first floor which contains two bedrooms and the main bathroom. Keira has her bedroom on the second floor. The spare room next to Keria's is used as a storage room since it hasn't been renovated lately and there's no cellar in the house. There's also a smaller bathroom on Keira's floor.