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"Louis, what the hell is this?"

Louis drops his bag on the floor and storms out of his room. "What the fuck has she done?" he yells as he's running down the stairs into the living room. He knows it has something to do with his sister, of course.

"I like your sister, but this is just a little bit too much," Stan says, pointing at the wall that is partially decorated with pictures and posters of One Direction and in particular, Harry.

"Oh noooo!" Louis moans in annoyance, covering his eyes with his hands.

"My little sister has her room covered with their posters too; she even has this curly haired guy as a life-sized cardboard in her room - so creepy. I freak out every time I walk into her room, especially when it's dark." Stan shrugs. "I don't understand why girls fancy boy bands so much."

"I don't understand it either," Louis says, frowning. "I'll tell her to take them off as soon as possible because I really don't want our friends to laugh at us."

Louis walks into the kitchen to make breakfast. Stan follows him. He takes some eggs out of the fridge. "I won't allow her to turn this house into a One Direction sanctuary," Louis says angrily as he switches on the cooker.

Stan chuckles and grabs the toast. "Apparently that's normal for girls."

Louis starts cracking the eggs into a heated pan. "But Stan, your little sister is ten! Lottie is sixteen!" He turns around. "Guess what she told me yesterday?"

"What?" Stan asks amused and sits down at the small kitchen table.

Louis doesn't find it funny at all. "She bought VIP tickets for almost 400 pounds! 400! Can you believe that?"

"What? That's not true!" Stan yells shocked and lets out a laugh. "That's a shit load of money, holy moly!"

"You nailed it! It's insane!" Louis answers while putting some salt and pepper onto the eggs. "That's not normal at all. I'll text her later and she'll have to take those pictures off our walls."

Before they leave the house, Louis also writes a little note to Lottie and places it onto her laptop in the living room.


When Louis comes home in the afternoon, he's with a friend, Eleanor. They need to manage group project so they decided to work at Louis' house.

"Oh my god! Louis!" Eleanor squeals. "You like One Direction? Really?"

"What?" Louis rushes into the living room too.

Eleanor giggles as she's pointing at the wall. "Why haven't you told me that you like One Direction?" She folds her hands and puts them next to her face in a sweet gesture. "That's too cute!"

"What the hell!" Louis yells, completely ignoring his friend. "Why are these fucking posters still here?" Louis walks over to the small table in front of the sofa. There it is, the note he had placed on Lottie's laptop this morning. The laptop has been moved which means she must have seen it. "She saw it. I would love to rip all those posters off now, seriously! If she . . ."

Louis can't finish his sentence because he gets distracted by the click of the lock.

"Hey everybody!" Lottie chirps happily as she's walking into the living room.

"I told you to take this crap off my walls! Why are these posters still here and where have you been?" Louis shouts at his sister without greeting her.

"I didn't have time to do it," Lottie snaps as she's putting her bag down. "What's your problem?"

"Who is this?" Eleanor asks, pointing at Lottie.