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Louis is too shocked to talk to the guy who's taking him to the airport but the guy doesn't seem to be interested in a conversation anyways. Louis feels like he's in trance. He still can't believe what has just happened to him. The boy stares out of the window with a blank look and it seems as if the houses, people and landscapes all melt into a blurry, undefined mass. When he arrives at the airport, he doesn't even thank the man for driving him. He grabs his bags and gets out of the car, not turning back.

It seems like Louis can't even function for the next few hours until he arrives back home. He throws the bags on the floor and flops down on his bed. His head hurts. He closes his eyes and concentrates on the noises he can hear. Slowly he realizes what happened a few hours ago and he feels like he's getting sick. Louis falls asleep because he's so exhausted and when he wakes up, it's already dark outside. He grabs his phone to message Harry but just when he's opening his messenger he remembers that he had to delete Harry's number. And that's when it hits him hard. The man shouting and yelling at Harry and him, the threats, the glares, the fact that Louis had to delete Harry's number. He remembers everything and it hurts, it hurts him so bad that he feels like the burning in his heart will destroy him. Louis has never missed someone that much, he has never ever felt such a pain in his heart. He doesn't get up anymore and falls asleep a few minutes later again.


It's not easy for Louis to deal with the situation he's in. He tries to continue as normal as possible but he can't forget about Harry. Going to uni helps a little bit because he can meet his friends there and get distracted a little bit but honestly, it's not possible to ignore the queasy feeling in his stomach and the sadness in his heart. His friends ask him if he's okay a lot but Louis doesn't want to talk. Luckily, they aren't interested in gossip and tabloids so they obviously haven't heard about the rumors about Harry and him. When he's not training with his team in the evenings, Louis gets sad often. He sits on his bed with the laptop on his lap and watches interviews of One Direction. It hurts him so bad that he doesn't have any pictures of Harry anymore, no chats, anything. He misses Harry so much that he can't control the tears that are running down his face without warning on day four. He has never felt that heartbroken before, ever.

After Louis gets home the next day, he spends some time with Stan and Keira but his thoughts are only circling around Harry. He's afraid that he can't ever meet him again. What if this man threated him again? What if he chooses his career over Louis – which he probably will do? Harry is special to Louis and nobody has ever been that special to him. Of course Louis is still puzzled about him liking a man the way he does but the feeling in his heart he has for this boy is just too strong to ignore it. He hasn't told anyone about it and nobody has asked him which is okay for him. If he's honest to himself, he doesn't want to tell anyone how he feels and he has talked to Harry who said it would be better not to tell people about them. Maybe now everything is too late already. Louis is afraid that he won't see Harry again and this thought makes him feel sick.

In the evening Louis starts working on a school assignment but it's not possible for him to concentrate for more than half an hour. His thoughts are still circling around Harry. Louis saves his document and types Harry's name into google search.

What he sees shocks and hurts him at the same time. This isn't what he was expecting, it really isn't. Various headlines include a girl named Kendall Jenner who obviously is a model. Louis doesn't like these headlines at all but the pictures are even worse. As Louis is looking at them, he's getting jealous: In one picture sitting in a restaurant with her, obviously having a candle light dinner. The picture isn't in high quality so it must be real. In the next picture, Harry is walking through a park in Paris with her and they're holding hands. The third picture shows her, nuzzling into Harry's neck, smiling. And the worst part is that . . . Harry is smiling too. His dimples are showing and Louis feels like his heart is ripped out of his chest. Seeing them together makes Louis squirm uncomfortably and his stomach is tightening. Was Harry lying to him while he was with this girl instead? Was he using him? Louis doesn't know what to think. He continues to scroll down through the headlines.

"American beauty Kendall and the British heartthrob Harry Styles caught flirting"

"Harry Styles' new, hottest conquest"

"Teenager girls all around the world, you have to be strong – Harry shows his new girl"

"The womanizer strikes again – Harry Styles and Kendall Jenner are the hottest couple in Hollywood"

He can't take this anymore. Louis closes his laptop and puts it away. If he could, he would throw it out of his window. Why is Harry doing this to him? Does he even care? Maybe he didn't really like Louis? Louis hates this girl already, he hates her so much. The boy lies down on his bed, trying to get those pictures out of his mind but he can't. Louis is sad but most of all, he's jealous, very, very jealous of that girl. The queasy feeling in his stomach nearly hurts, he feels like he needs to vomit. He feels empty. Just empty with a heart that couldn't ache more, with a heart that couldn't hurt him more. Now he's sure that he will probably never see Harry again. Maybe it's better that way, maybe everything was a lie anyways. Louis has never even thought about guys being attractive, not a little bit. He has never had feelings for a guy and he feels dumb for everything that happened. Maybe it was just imagination, something weird that happened for whatever reason. And just in that moment Louis realizes it must have been a lie. It feels like a dream and Louis decides to forget about it completely.
