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"Hey Lou, how was your babysitting yesterday?" Stan smirks at Louis when he comes home.

"It was worse than I expected it to be," Louis answers while he munches on a piece of cold pizza. "I still don't understand why anyone likes these boybands. You should have seen these girls! They were crying and sobbing just because they were there – I've never seen anything like that before." Louis shakes his head.

Stan also takes a piece of pizza out of the box. "They cried? Why?" he lets out a chuckle and sits down on the floor, opposite Louis.

"I swear they did," Louis nods. "Even Lottie!"

Stan's eyes widen. "You're joking!"

Louis shakes his head. "She's so tough usually but yesterday . . . I have no idea what happened to her or why. She was so nervous the entire time and cried because of her favourite member Harry and then she cried because I ruined her night allegedly."

"You ruined her night?" Stan says with his mouth full.

"All I did was protect her from that Harry guy," Louis rolls his eyes. "She said I ruined everything. What the hell?"

"What did he do?" Stan asks.

"He touched Lottie, he hugged her and he pulled her close. What the fuck was he thinking? He didn't even know her! I can't stand when guys are touching her, especially those kinds of people who use innocent girls for their needs because they can every time they want to."

Stan nods. "I know what you mean and maybe I would have done the same." He takes another bite of his pizza. "But . . . I mean, did the guy say anything to you or?"

Louis blows air through his lips. "He tried to come across as the understanding one and said he would have done the same if Lottie was his sister."

"In my opinion they always have to be nice, who knows how their personalities change when they're private."

"That's it, thank you. But of course she doesn't understand why I acted like this and now she's pissed." Louis sighs. "I should stop, it's pissing me off even more when I'm talking about it."


A few days later . . .

The bar Louis works at is small, cosy and always crowded. The people are cool and there are always a lot of tourists visiting. It never gets boring, but sometimes it can be very stressful. As Louis is leaning against the counter, he notices two men walking through the door. One of them looks like the security guards he had seen at the concert; his broad shoulders are impressive, he's dressed in dark colours and has very short hair. The other one is the complete contrary; he is lean, tall, wears skinny jeans, a white shirt combined with a light green/pink plaid, sunglasses and a dark green beanie. Louis rolls his eyes. These two look hilarious together and somehow they just don't fit into this location.

A few minutes roll by and Louis takes some orders from other guests and serves them their drinks. When he walks back to the bar, he notices the tall guy with the sunglasses standing at the bar, waiting for him. Louis thinks he looks ridiculous. Who wears sunglasses inside of a dark bar?

"Hey, uhm . . . could I get a menu for our table?" the guy asks when Louis approaches him.

Louis nods and hands the guy a menu.

"Thank you very much," he answers politely but doesn't walk away immediately.

"What else?"

The guy bites his lip. "I just thought . . .," he says slowly but then shakes his head. "Um . . . it's nothing." He turns around and walks back to his table.