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It's not easy for Louis to forget everything that has happened with Harry but he keeps telling himself how stupid it was over and over again and it seems to work. Louis starts concentrating on his work, football and friends more which helps him to suppress his feelings for Harry which can't be erased but at least it doesn't hurt that much anymore. At the weekend, Louis goes out with Amber, the girl from Lottie's goodbye party, and some other friends. They go to a club and eventually end up in Amber's bed. Louis has sex with her and it feels as good as it has always felt for him. After the little experiment with Harry he thought he could be gay maybe but now he knows that he isn't. Louis might be drunk but he's not too drunk to use a condom and not too drunk to remember that he enjoys what he's doing very much. It's clear for him that he's not feeling anything but lust for Amber but they've discussed it, it's mutual. Louis is relieved that he feels that way and that making out with her doesn't feel wrong when he wakes up the next morning. As soon as Amber is awake too, they make out again. She blows him before they get up and it feels better than anything. At the end of the day he knows that he's not gay and that Harry was just an experiment. A failed experiment, that's it.


Two weeks later Louis sits on his bed, his laptop opened in front of him, books spread around his bed. He has to finish his current project in about five days and it's always getting harder for him towards the end. He really doesn't want to continue but he has to. Keira has already made him tea and Stan has promised to order pizza for dinner since all of them are pretty occupied because of their studies. Louis sighs, grabs his phone and plugs his headphones in. The music sometimes makes it easier for him to work.

Suddenly he jumps as he notices that Stan is standing next to him. He pulls the headphones out and looks at him. "What are you doing here?!" he jumps down Stan's throat. "You've scared me to death!"

"Sorry Louis, but you didn't react when I talked to you," he says and shrugs. "You have a guest." Stan moves his head towards the door. Louis looks that way too. He can't believe his eyes. While Stan walks out of the room, Harry moves his finger between him and Louis. "Hi. Can I come in?" he asks.

"What are you doing here?!" Louis asks, not answering Harry's question. The boy knows that his tone isn't the nicest, a bit rude maybe but he's shocked and he doesn't know if in a positive or negative way. He didn't really expect to see Harry ever again.

As Louis is looking in Harry's green eyes, he can feel the butterflies in his stomach rising, he can feel that he's getting nervous and these feelings are driving him crazy. He spent so much time to get rid of these feeling, he has spent so much time on forgetting about Harry. Louis thought everything he felt for this boy was just imagination but now that he's standing in front of him, he knows it's not true. But how can that be? He made out with a girl and liked it, he really did but still, he's attracted to Harry. Fuck. All these thoughts are running through Louis' mind while Harry walks towards him. Louis gets up and Harry wraps his arms around the boy, holding him tight while he's nuzzling into the younger boy's neck, telling him how much he missed him. Louis can feel his neck getting wet; Harry is crying. "I'm sorry for everything," the boy sobs. "I've missed you so much," he whispers and wraps his arms closer around Louis while he's sobbing quietly. Harry's words tug at Louis' heart and suddenly he feels guilty. He feels guilty for his thoughts, he feels guilty for what happened with Amber and he feels guilty for thinking that Harry could have used him only. But then he remembers the pictures he saw online and suddenly he's not that sure anymore.

Just in that moment, Louis can hear someone coming up the stairs and one second later the ajar door is opened. "What the fuck, Louis!"

Louis jerks away from Harry and stares at Amber who's standing under the doorframe. "You fucked me and now you're making out with him?" she yells. "Are you fucking serious Louis? What happened to you, are you suddenly gay? Seriously?" she says, letting out a fake laugh.