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Louis is out of breath when he arrives at home. He had totally forgotten about the deal with Lottie and that's why he bought her a box of cupcakes from the bakery down the street. "Sorry Lottie," he says panting as he's bursting into the living room where Lottie is cleaning the table. The boy hugs his sister and gives her a kiss on her cheek. "Here are some cupcakes for you as an excuse why I'm late," Louis says, handing her the box. "I'm so out of it, seriously," he smiles and shakes his head. "And if the cupcakes aren't enough I promise that I'll help you as much as you want me to make all necessary preparations for your goodbye party as compensation."

"That's nice," Lottie says as she's looking in the box. "Wow Louis! I love these cupcakes, they're so good!" she smiles and gives her brother a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you. And it's all good, I'm not mad. I was just wondering where you were but now that you're here, it's fine."

She takes a cupcake out of the box and starts eating it, signaling Louis to take one too. After they've eaten, she finishes cleaning the table before they sit down and Lottie gives instructions to Louis. Thank god she doesn't ask him any questions about where he was. The party is planned for tomorrow because Tuesday will be her last working day at the zoo. That's why Lottie wanted to invite some of her colleagues and friends she has made during her stay in London.

Louis helps Lottie to tidy and clean the house, they decorate the ground floor with colorful balloons and garlands. After that the siblings start working in the kitchen. Lottie starts mixing dough for muffins while Louis makes another one for a marble cake. They work until late and Louis falls asleep on the sofa with Lottie eventually.


Louis wakes up in the middle of the night. His neck is aching and he decides to haul himself up to his room where he lets himself flop on the bed. Within seconds, he's fast asleep again.

Because he oversleeps in the morning, Louis is totally stressed. He has uni until five in the afternoon. After he has finished his last lecture, he stops at the local supermarket to buy some food Lottie has forgotten to buy. When he returns home, his sister and Keira are piling finger food onto plates while his friend Stan is dressing the salad. The house looks cool and Louis is looking forward to the party. After everything is ready, he takes a quick shower and puts on some cool clothes.


When Lottie's guests arrive, she introduces her colleagues and some other girls to her brother first. Eleanor has brought a friend who knows Lottie too. An hour later, the party is in full flood. Lottie's colleagues are nice, they talk to Louis and everyone is having a good time. The music is playing, some people are dancing in the living room, some are outside, smoking, others are sitting on the floor or the sofa and talk to each other. It's a very nice party. When everyone has arrived, they ask Stan to turn off the music for a while. One of her colleagues walks out of the room and comes back with a huge present. Lottie doesn't know what to say. She thanks her colleagues while she's opening the wrapping paper happily. When she sees it, she clasps her hand over her mouth and looks up. "Wow, this is so cool," she says with tears in her eyes. She's absolutely moved by this gesture. They have made a cute present for Lottie: a beautiful, golden frame with pictures of Lottie's journey: some pictures show only the colleagues, some show Lottie with them, there are pictures of some animals and Lottie with animals. The girl is crying by now, hugging each of her colleagues and Louis is very happy for her.

Louis is leaning against the wall, his second beer in his hands. "Hey Louis," someone says and suddenly touches his shoulders. It's Keira's friend Amber. Louis knows her from several parties and he has always been attracted to her, in some way. Today, she looks cute, really. She's not very tall, has long, brown hair and huge dark eyes. Her make-up looks pretty, her outfit sporty and cool. Louis has always admired the tattoos on her right forearm.