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The first beats of the intro let the voices of the massive crowd of more than 60,000 people melt into one single scream. It's so loud and shrill that Louis thinks his eardrums might explode. And then One Direction step out on the stage, surrounded by dense clouds of artificial fog. The venue is nearly bursting and it seems like the energy has captured everyone around Louis, including himself. And there he is; Harry. He's wearing black Chelsea boots, black skinny jeans, a white sheer shirt and his hair hangs down in beautiful, defined waves. Louis stares at him as he's walking down the runway for the first time during the show. Harry is waving and sending air kisses to the fans as the band starts playing the first song. It's like a rush, everyone is freaking out around Louis. The girls are screaming, yelling, crying. Louis has already been to two of the band's concerts but he has never been focused on what was happening around him because his biggest fear was that something could happen to his sisters so he paid attention to them, not the band, not to the people around him.

Louis isn't in the first row but he's close. He focuses on Harry as much as possible, tries to look him in the eyes whenever he comes close to his standing area but it seems like Harry doesn't notice him at all. There are at least a few hundred people standing in front of the stage but he's not here to enjoy the concert, he's here to get Harry's attention.
The more songs the band sings, the more nervous Louis gets because nothing happens. Each time Harry comes close to Louis, he's jumping and dancing around on stage but he never notices him, then walks away again. It's frustrating, very frustrating because Harry isn't far away from Louis and if they met in the streets, the boy would recognize him for sure. And another problem is Louis' size. He's not the smallest in his area but there are girls and even dads who are as tall as him or even taller so he's not sticking out of the crowd much. He could try to yell Harry's name but that's a level he doesn't want to reach, it's an absolute no-go for him to act like all those crazy girls around him.

The band performs the next two songs on the main stage right in front of him. At some point, Louis thinks that Harry looks at him for a moment. It's in the split of a second, just a glance, a blink but then Harry focuses on someone else. Louis isn't even sure if it happened, maybe he was just imagining it. This whole undertaking is frustrating and Louis is afraid that the concert will end just like that. That everything was useless.

When they introduce the last song, Louis gives up. Harry hasn't really noticed him (and the second Louis thought he has doesn't count) and he probably also won't notice him during the last song. He's disappointed. All he wants is to leave the venue and never encounter One Direction or Harry, again. He doesn't want to be at this place anymore, he just wants to pack his stuff and go home – no matter if that meant that he would have to buy another train ticket because his ticket will only be valid tomorrow morning.

All the stresses and strains were pointless obviously so Louis pushes through the girls toward the huge staircase. Maybe it's better that way, Harry and he have nothing in common and Louis thinks that wanting to meet him was the stupidest idea he has ever had. Well, if he's honest it was the stupidest idea to throw away Harry's number, but he can't change it. He sighs audibly and continues walking up the stairs.

Suddenly, Louis hears someone shouting.


The voice is coming from afar but Louis doesn't think it's him who it's meant for so he continues to walk up the staircase quickly. He needs to leave, he doesn't want to be here anymore.

"Hey! Stop!" the male voice shouts again but Louis just keeps walking without paying attention to anyone.


What? Someone called his name? Here? That's crazy.

"Louis Tomlinson?"

Again, that's weird. Louis stops and turns around finally. A broad security guy is rushing through the crowd, towards him. Has he done something wrong? Suddenly, Louis feels a certain, uncomfortable queasiness in his stomach.