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"Are you awake?"

Louis loves the sound of this voice but . . . is he still dreaming? He moves a little bit. It must be late already because he can see the sun shining brightly through the gap between the thick, dark green curtains. Tiny dust particles are dancing in the sunrays that are shining through the windows. The boy exhales audibly before he stretches himself, a squeaky sound escaping his mouth he can't do anything about. He turns around and looks into a pair of green eyes. Louis blinks twice and frowns but then he remembers what happened.

"Hey," he says. Harry's loose hair is sprawled around his head. "Do you always make those cute sounds in the morning?" he asks with a low voice, giving Louis a smile that shows his dimple. Harry's morning voice sends shivers down Louis' spine.

The boy covers his face with both hands and rubs his eyes. "Cute sounds?" he asks.

"Very cute," Harry says as he puts his hands under his cheek and looks at Louis.

"What are you talking about," the boy groans sleepily. A small, hoarse laugh escapes his mouth. "You're making me blush!"

Harry smiles but stays quiet and Louis closes his eyes again. He can feel Harry looking at him. "I don't want to get up," Louis mumbles quietly as he's turning around, nuzzling deeper into the covers.

"Me neither," Harry sighs. His voice is thick with sleep and Louis loves it. He can feel Harry stretching next to him, his arms touching Louis' back and then, a few seconds later, Louis can feel Harry's body slightly touching his and to Louis' surprise, it doesn't feel weird. It feels nice, actually. Louis is almost half asleep when Harry nuzzles closer to him a little bit, letting out a small sigh. The warm, cozy feeling lets Louis fall asleep within seconds.


When Louis wakes up for the second time this morning, Harry isn't in bed anymore and Louis isn't sure if maybe he just had a vivid dream. But when he props himself up a little bit, he can see Harry's two brown bags sitting next to the bed. He stretches, rubs his eyes and gets out of bed. His door is ajar and he can hear someone walking along the corridor.

"Hi sunshine!" Harry says as he's walking into the room. His curls are falling perfectly on his shoulders and face. His torso is naked and he's wearing tight, black Calvin Klein pants. His body looks so nice and the tattoos are . . . sexy. Fuck. Louis rubs his face to get rid of his thoughts. Then he leans his back against the wall. "Hey," he answers with a smile.

Harry closes the door carefully and pushes his hair back. "Would you mind if I opened the curtains and the window?"

Louis shakes his head. "Not at all."

When Harry opens the window, a fresh breeze causes Louis to shiver. Harry rubs his arms and jumps on the bed, sliding under the blanket again. "It's cold outside," he says and pulls the covers closer to his body.

"Do you always sleep naked?"

"I'm not naked, love," Harry replies, winking at Louis.

"Well . . . almost," Louis says.

"I love being naked actually. It makes me feel free, I don't know. But I thought you would act all weird if I got completely naked so I decided to keep my pants on at least," Harry says seriously.

"Because you're so big?" Louis blurts out. Fuck. This is one of those moments where you want to shove the words back into your mouth or disappear forever. He was just thinking it; he hadn't planned to say anything like that. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What is even happening with him? He has never had these thoughts when it came to men so why now? Fuck. Louis is blushing tremendously, it's so embarrassing.