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Louis feels really stupid when he wakes up the next morning. Does he really want to meet Harry again or is it just some weird fantasy? Maybe it is and he should really concentrate on his studies again instead of thinking of random celebrities for whatever reasons. Louis turns around in bed. But no matter how much he tries to forget about Harry, he can't. And the problem is that he can't tell anyone about it, not even his sister or friends. What would they think of him? Why is he like this? What's wrong with him?

Thank god Louis is busy with his studies during the day but in the evening, he gets weak. He checks the tour dates of One Direction online. They're still touring but there won't be a concert in London anymore which makes it way more difficult. Louis scrolls down the schedule and finds out that the next possible show he could attend would be the show in Manchester next weekend. He buys a ticket for about 70 pounds and books a room for one night at a cheap hotel. He doesn't tell anyone.


On his way to Manchester, Louis is questioning what he's doing. This trip seems so unreal and stupid, but now that he's on his way there's no turning back. He hasn't really planned how to meet Harry or where to look for him, but the only thing he knows is that he wants to meet him again. When Louis arrives at the main station, he buys himself something to eat. While he's sitting on a bench in front of the small fast food restaurant, he notices some girls walking around in One Direction fan shirts. It's Friday night and the concert is tomorrow so if they are walking around already, maybe the band is already in town? Louis finishes his burger and fries before he takes the bus to his hotel where he checks in. He throws his bag on the floor, logs into the hotel's WIFI and flops down on the bed. He answers some messages first, then he looks up some information for the concert tomorrow before he scrolls through pictures of Harry he has saved in his phone. Looking at these pictures makes him feel nervous and he considers going to the venue very early in the morning (he has learned this from his sisters). He needs to be as close to the stage as possible. Maybe Harry will notice him at the concert, maybe.

After half an hour Louis decides to check out some hotels where the band could stay overnight. He feels very stupid for even having that idea but he needs to try every possible way to meet Harry, even if that means that he will have to remain silent about this forever. Who knows, maybe they're already in town and Paul will recognize him so he could meet Harry without going to the concert? He gathers his things together, pulls a sweater over his head and leaves the room. He takes the stairs down to the lobby where he asks the receptionist for a map of Manchester. Louis wants to mark the locations of five-star hotels so that he can decide where to go first. It's early in the evening, so maybe he can find something while he's out.

After Louis has been driving around the city to three different hotels, in vain he decides to try another one. It's the "Principal" hotel, an impressive stone building that looks more than expensive; it looks luxurious as fuck. When he comes closer, he notices some girls sitting and standing near the entrance. Maybe he could ask them? He's not sure if he should so he first buys himself something to eat at a small shop nearby, then he walks back to a small group.

"Hi girls," he says, giving them a smile and some of them greet back. "It's quite cold outside, what are you doing here?"

"Hi. We're waiting for One Direction," a brunette girl says and gives Louis a smile.

"Yeah," the girl next to her adds. "We think they could be here since we've already seen some security guards walking around but we don't know exactly."

The brunette nods. "So, we'll wait. Maybe they have already checked in or will do so later."

Louis takes a bite of a chicken nugget. "So, you'll stay here the whole night?"