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Spending time with Harry was so much fun that Louis feels lonely when he arrives at his hotel. He puts the food on the bed, switches on the TV and sends Harry the promised text message. The boys keep messaging until Louis falls asleep, his phone in his hands.

The next morning, Louis wakes up very early. By 9 o' clock he's already sitting on the train, his thoughts travelling back to yesterday. It seems surreal that he was at the concert, that Harry noticed him and that they had so much fun. It was the best and funniest night he has had in a long time. He knows it happened but still, it feels surreal. He saw Harry on stage, in front of thousands of screaming girls. It feels so surreal. But it was Harry, he's the one who gets invited to fashion shows for the most famous and known designers, Harry who has won many awards and prizes, Harry who's the most known and most popular member of One Direction but yet, he chose to spend the evening with Louis. Louis scrolls through their text messages which makes him smile. Harry isn't just entertaining, he's funny as hell and indeed one of the nicest guys he has ever met. He wasn't just pretending when his sister met him or when they met at the toilet. It was all him. Louis sighs as he leans his head on the window, watching the landscape passing by quickly so that all the colors melt into a green/brown painting of nature.

Louis wants to talk with someone about Harry but he isn't sure if he can tell anyone about him. Maybe he shouldn't. The moving train makes Louis sleepy and soon he closes his eyes, drifting off into the land of dreaming. The boy sleeps through the rest of the journey. Luckily the conductor wakes him up before he misses getting off the train in London.


At home, Lottie is in eating lunch in the kitchen. "Louis?" Lottie says astonished as the boy walks in. "Where have you been?"

"Away," he replies dryly as he's opening the fridge to get himself something to eat. "How was your weekend?"

"Oh, it was nice actually when I noticed that I had the house for myself," Lottie says with a mocking undertone. "The only thing I wondered about was why you neither answered my calls nor my text messages? Were you doing drugs or something?"

Louis taps his forehead. "Are you crazy? I'm not doing drugs! But I live here and you don't have to be informed about everything I do in my free time."

"What would you do if I disappeared all of a sudden? Would you stay as cool as you're pretending to be now?"

"Why do you keep pushing? I didn't disappear all of a sudden, I left you a note!" Louis replies annoyed as he's making himself a sandwich with ham and cheese.

"Oh wow, a note. You send me text messages all the time, something's wrong with you and that whole weekend!"

Louis doesn't respond as he's putting some lettuce on his sandwich. He puts the ham and cheese back into the fridge and closes the door.

"Tell me Louis!"

"Damn Lottie, nothing's wrong with me! I can do whatever I want, can you stop getting on my nerves? You're not responsible for me!" Louis shouts at his sister.

When Louis takes off his jumper, Lottie nearly jumps up from her chair, pointing at Louis' wrist.

"What the fuck is this?!"

"What?!" Louis yells and does a gesture with his arms. Fuck. He knows. He forgot to remove the paper bracelet they gave him at the concert. "I was at a club," Louis lies. "What could that be." He rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

"Don't mess around with me! This is a One Direction concert bracelet! Where were you? Were you at a concert? Without me? Why?" Lottie glares at her brother.