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In the morning Louis wakes up to the buzzing of his phone. He usually switches it off at night but obviously he was too tired for everything when he went to bed after work last night. When he looks at it he sees his mum's number appearing on the screen. Louis groans, turns around and accepts the call eventually.

"Mum?" he says slowly, his voice thick with sleep.

"Louis darling, aren't you at university? It's already noon!" Jay replies. "Aren't you feeling well?"

Louis groans, covering his eyes with his hand. "I'm just tired. My shift at the bar ended in the middle of the night and still, I don't have lessons on Fridays."

"Oh," she answers quietly and sighs. Then there's a pause.

"It's okay. I'm sorry for coming off rude, I'm just . . . well, tired."

"I'm really sorry for waking you up."

"It's okay mum, really," Louis assures her. "Why are you calling?"

"Well . . . I wanted to tell you that Lottie finally got her work placement at London Zoo for three weeks."

"That's good news! When will she start working?"

"That's . . . exactly the point," Jay answers. "Her first day is supposed to be Monday."

"What? In three days? You mean next Monday?

"Yes . . . next Monday and that's exactly the problem. I've tried to find a room for her but even the cheap ones are way too expensive." Jay exhales audibly. "I can't afford to pay a youth hostel or a hotel for her so I wanted to ask you if she could stay at yours?"

"I should ask Stan and Keira first." Louis answers. "Are you sure there's no other way?"

"This is her only possibility. If you don't agree she will have to cancel the job." Jay clears her throat. "Of course you won't have to pay for her. I'll transfer enough money for food and everything she'll need."

Louis loves his sister and he knows his friends like her too. It has never been a problem when she visited him for a weekend but three weeks in a row? She would have to sleep either in his room or in the living room which wouldn't be the perfect solution for either of them. Louis sighs. His mum has done so much for him and his siblings, she's just asking him to do his sister a favour and Louis would feel bad if he rejected her.

"She can stay here, it's no problem. As long as I don't have to babysit her all the time it will be fine," Louis says with a chuckle.

"She's sixteen, Louis. You won't have to babysit her," his mum replies and lets out a laugh. "Oh darling, you have no idea how happy she will be! Thank you so much!" She nearly squeals like a little girl what makes Louis smile.

"It's fine. When will she arrive?"

"Would Saturday be okay for you? She has an appointment at the zoo in the afternoon but before that we could spend the day together, what to you think?"

"Sounds good," Louis replies and they soon end the call.


On Saturday evening Lottie decides to make pizza for everyone as a thank you in advance so her, Louis, Stan and Keira have a lovely dinner together. Louis' roommates know Lottie and they like her a lot. They spent a nice evening together, filled with silly jokes and a lot of laughter. Lottie is fine with sleeping on the sofa in the living room as Louis' room is just too small to have someone in there for a longer period of time. Louis is thankful that both of his friends don't see a problem with Lottie staying at their house for a few weeks.