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The next day, Harry has messaged. He won't be home except for Wednesday and Thursday because the band is still touring through Germany and France. They boys agree on meeting on Wednesday evening at Harry's house. During the week, Louis and Harry are constantly texting and Harry even calls Louis twice to tell him about his day and what happened. Louis feels like he has known Harry for years and he's always happy to hear his voice. It feels like their friendship has become stronger. Louis can't wait to meet Harry again. He's excited and nervous in a positive way. The last time he felt like this was the day before he got together with his girlfriend. He tries not to think about this fact when he walks into the small book shop next to his university. They sell postcards there too and Louis wants to buy one for Harry.

He chooses three cards that match. The first shows a cat that sits on a window sill, looking at the beautiful garden through the opened window. The card looks like a painting; the colors are pale, very beautiful. Louis has chosen a similar card that shows a little path that leads through a forest. The last card shows a typical English breakfast.

At home Louis sticks the cards together and writes a few lines on the back. He takes a shower and puts on black skinny jeans, a blue band shirt and his Amsterdam hoodie. It's cold outside so he throws a warm jacket over his shoulders and leaves the house in anticipation. The closer he comes to Harry's house, the more nervous he gets. Fuck.

On his way to Harry's, the sky gets darker with every minute and it doesn't take long until the first raindrops fall from the sky. Louis decides to run and reaches Harry's house before it starts to rain heavily.

When Harry opens the door to his yard, Louis sneaks in and Harry closes the door again. They give each other a hug before they walk into the house.

"Cool that you're finally here," Harry says as he waits for Louis to take off his shoes. "How was your presentation today?"

Louis groans. "I'm so glad it's over. I mean, we always have to do these presentations and you get nothing out of it. No mark, nothing. The topic was so boring, I was nervous for nothing but . . . yeah, it was okay I think. As I've already told you, we only need to do them to get our credit points for the course." Louis follows Harry into the living room. "The professors are getting paid, right? What for?! To let us do all the work? Fuck them, seriously."

Harry chuckles. "Some of my friends tell me the same things but it isn't usual that everything has positive and negative sides, no matter if it's work, going to uni, friendships, everything . . . I guess."

"Probably . . . but still, it makes me angry. It's so useless, a waste of time."

"Adulthood, I suppose," Harry answers.

Louis shrugs and lets out a sigh. "Thank god I'm here now so I don't have to keep myself occupied with that shit."

"Exactly," Harry says. "Have you had dinner yet? Because I thought we could cook together tonight?"

"Our friendship only revolves around food."

"Food is the basis for everything, isn't it?" Harry responds.

Louis shrugs but smiles. "Yeah . . . I guess. So, what have you planned to cook?"

"It's one of my favorite meals. Mum uses to cook it when I'm home so . . . I thought we could try that out? It's chicken stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in parma ham with a side of homemade mash."

"That's quite a long name for a dish." Louis raises his eyebrows.

"But it's not as complicated as it seems, you'll see. Do you want to do it?"