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In the morning, Louis finds himself lying close to Harry. His right arm is put on the boy's waist loosely. He must have moved while he was sleeping because he can't remember falling asleep like this. Harry's body feels warm against Louis' and to have him close is nice but it's also kind of embarrassing so he pulls his arm away. But suddenly, Harry grabs Louis' arm and puts it back on his waist without turning around. "Don't," he mumbles but doesn't say anything else. Maybe he's dreaming? Harry's breathing is constant and it doesn't take long until Louis falls asleep again, too.


When Louis wakes up again, he yawns, rubs his eyes and stretches. "Good morning," Harry says quietly. His morning voice is so raspy which sounds . . . sexy. What the fuck. What is he thinking? How can a voice of a man be sexy? That's so pathetic. The boy turns his head to the left to face Harry who's looking at him with his soft, green eyes. A while ago Louis read an article that said green is a very rare color when it comes to eyes.

"Good morning," Louis responds. "I slept so well here, better than ever before."

Harry gives Louis a smile but stays quiet. He just looks at the boy and blinks which looks . . . adorable. Louis turns his head again so that he faces the ceiling which is exquisite, reminding him of a castle he has visited years ago in Germany. There are white stucco decorations on the ceiling and the huge chandelier in the middle looks amazing. Maybe Harry doesn't remember that Louis was that close to him. Maybe he doesn't remember that he pulled Louis' arm back. Maybe it's better if he doesn't. What would he think of him?

"It's nice having you around," Harry says and stretches. "It's funny but I do sleep better when you're next to me."

Louis looks at Harry for a second before he crosses his arms behind his head and turns his gaze toward the ceiling again. "You must be used to this," he remarks without facing Harry.

"What?!" Harry props up on his side.

"Having people sleeping with you . . . I mean, in your bed."

"Why are you saying that?"

Harry nearly sounds . . . hurt? Louis shrugs. Maybe he just wants to cover up how he really feels about Harry, how he has started to feel more for Harry.

"I don't know why I said it," the boy responds flatly.

"I thought you were different," Harry says in a low voice. "But obviously you're judging me for things that aren't true," he mumbles, turning away from Louis. The boy pulls the cover up until it nearly covers his head and sighs.

Fuck. Louis didn't want that. He just doesn't know how to deal with his feelings towards Harry. He feels like something has changed, he feels that he likes him a little bit more than he should. But what if that's just imagination? What if Harry doesn't like him as much as he likes Harry? Of course, he pulled his hand back on his waist when Louis wanted to pull away but obviously Harry was asleep when he did that. But he doesn't want Harry to be sad and suddenly he feels so guilty. It takes him several minutes to decide that he wants to have a try, he will and if it was the wrong thing . . . well . . . then he would be probably fucked. Harry could kick him out or end the friendship.

"Harry?" Louis asks quietly but Harry's name comes out like a hoarse whisper. Harry doesn't budge. Louis rubs his face and looks over to Harry who's still not moving at all. His curly hair is spread all over the pillow.

After a while, Louis scoots closer to Harry and puts his arm around his waist carefully like he did before. He's not touching Harry's back but leans his forehead against Harry's shoulder. "I didn't want to hurt you," he says quietly. "I'm sorry."