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Because Louis falls asleep early in the morning, he doesn't get up before lunch time. He stays in bed for a while, answers some messages on Whattsapp, scrolls through his Facebook and listens to music. He spends the rest of the day at home eating, playing on his Playstation and watching movies with his flat mates in the evening. He doesn't dare to have a look at his Instagram because he's still in shock about what happened yesterday. Not to speak of the online news which are terrible. As far as he knows only a few of his female friends like One Direction and only a few are interested in gossip so he really hopes nobody will notice his picture on Instagram or the online headlines. Keira and Stan belong to those people who definitely aren't interested in gossip at all and they don't have an Instagram account – or maybe they have but Louis doesn't know about it.

Of course, Lottie messaged him early in the morning. She had sent him at least twenty messages about the picture on Instagram and the headlines throughout the day but Louis wasn't in the mood to answer them until now. He knows that he can't ignore her. Harry was in Louis' house, she saw him and she knows that Louis and Harry know each other. Lottie isn't dumb, so Louis tries to answer her questions as general as possible. He tells her that he found that picture online, that he just assumed it could be breakfast for two and that he hasn't interacted or seen Harry since the day he was at his house. Thank god she believes his white lies. Lottie knows that Louis has had girlfriends before so she doesn't question him being gay at all. Louis wonders why she hasn't tried to convince him to meet Harry again.

While he's messaging with his sister, Louis suddenly gets a call from Harry.

Louis: "Harry?"

Harry: "Hey Lou, are you busy this weekend?"

Louis: "I haven't planned anything special, just a few studies and football matches to watch."

Harry: "I . . . uhm . . . I thought of . . . what do you think about joining me on tour for the weekend?"

Louis: "Oh . . . is that possible? I mean . . . you know . . . the picture and the gossip and everything."

Harry: "Louis! I don't care about that! I would like to spend time with you and being on tour sometimes is . . . lonely, especially in the evenings so . . . I'd love to have you there." He chuckles. "We can cook here too, make pizza or order something, as usual."

Louis: "Sounds good but where are you now?"

Harry: "I'm on my way to Berlin. We have a show there tomorrow then one in Munich and on Monday we'll be in France. I thought you could maybe join me here tomorrow morning or something and fly back to London on Sunday?"

Louis: "Hm . . . I would love to but I think that . . . I can't afford it."

Harry: "Don't worry. We are allowed to fly in family and friends sometimes and therefore I have a certain amount of money available from my management. You just have to say yes or no."


Louis' flight arrives in Berlin in the afternoon. Harry had interviews in the morning and some other things to do so he booked a later flight for him. Paul, the security guard, picks Louis up at the airport and they have a nice conversation about football and the recent news. When Paul drops Louis off at Harry's hotel room (through the back doors again), Louis thanks him and flops down on the sofa. This hotel is very modern but still luxurious. It's not as intimidating as the other one in London. From the windows, Louis can see the river that flows by. He pulls a warm jumper over his head, takes a beer from the fridge and sits down on a screaming yellow deck chair. He can see the other side of the river where people are taking a walk, business people heading back home, tourist ships drive past him and it feels like he's on holiday. Louis has never been to Germany and he can't wait to explore the city with Harry.