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Louis' week has started as stressful as usual. He has to work on several projects and essays for his studies and of course he goes to work on a regular basis. When he comes home after his shift on Wednesday afternoon, he's very tired. The boy lets himself fall onto the sofa but the second his bum touches the soft seat, he can hear something crack under the pillows. Louis moves aside and pulls out a broken cd case that was obviously hidden under the pillows.

"Louis!" Lottie shrieks suddenly, snatching the broken case out of her brother's hands. Louis hadn't even noticed she was in the room. His sister's facial expression is telling. She's pissed but Louis can't do anything else than laugh at her; he just can't fight it. Lottie will probably hate him for that.

"Stop laughing! You broke my new One Direction disk!" she yells at him, holding the opened case in front of his face. The case is broken and there's a small crack in the disk itself.

"Calm down, it's just a fucking disk!" Louis counters, still fighting against his laughter as he's holding his hands up in defence. He doesn't even know why he's laughing, it's so silly but he can't stop. "You're acting as if it was something important!" he says a little bit more serious, shaking his head.

"This disk is important to me and now it's broken thanks to you!" Lottie repeats. The girl's face is red, her eyes filled with anger. "You have no idea how I feel! What if I ripped your Doncaster Rovers posters, would you be happy about it?"

Louis frowns and shakes his head. He just doesn't understand why his sister is so enraged because of a broken disk. The boy gets up from the sofa and steps closer to her. "All I know is that I wouldn't make such a big deal out of it. There're plenty of disks available in stores, so what? I'll buy you a new one, for God's sake!" he nearly yells at his sister. Louis shakes his head as he's walking out of the living room.

Hours later there's a silent knock on Louis' door. He's busy typing a tweet so he doesn't answer right away. The door is opened a tiny bit and the boy can easily spot Lottie's blonde hair through the small gap.

"Louis? Can I come in?" she asks quietly.

The boy looks up for a second, does a gesture with his head but focuses on the screen again. Lottie hesitates at first but then walks into the room and sits down onto Louis' desk chair, opposite him.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you," she apologizes.

Louis looks up from his laptop and sighs. "It's okay. But I still don't get why you're so upset about a broken disk."

Lottie looks out of the window while she's twisting her hair. "These boys, they . . . you know, they mean so much to me. . . ."

"What?" Louis was too distracted to listen to her.

"One Direction," his sister explains, holding her phone up. "That's them." Lottie points at the screen that shows four young men dressed in suits on a red carpet. "They're my life, the most important thing ever."

"One Direction?" Louis asks disparagingly. "You mean this gay boyband whose ugly tour posters are hung up all over London?" He lets out a fake laugh and shakes his head. "They're so annoying."

"They aren't annoying at all!" Lottie protests forcefully. "They make great music and they have been so successful during the last few years. This band is playing the biggest venues all over the world these days!"

"Great music, are you serious? There are other real musicians and bands out there that make better music than those freaks. They're just boy band puppets in the music machinery, nothing else."

"But look at them!" Lottie holds her phone up again. "They're so hot and adorable at the same time! The songs are really good and the best thing is they're all involved in the writing process." Lottie gets up from the chair and sits down next to her brother.