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After their fight, Lottie doesn't mention One Direction anymore and everything gets quiet again. The following days pass as usual without particular occurrences until Louis gets a call from his mum.

"Hey darling, how are you? And how's Lottie?"

"I'm fine but . . . I'm not sure if Lottie is okay, to be honest."


"She's obsessed with this boyband! I can't believe you're taking her on Friday, like what? I mean, she spent nearly 400 pounds on a ticket?"

"It was her biggest wish," his mum answers with a sigh. "She paid most of it from her money. I just gave her like 100 pounds for her birthday. It's normal for girls her age to fancy boybands, nothing wrong with that." Her voice is calm. "I was also a fan of Bryan Adams when I was younger," she says.

"I bet you've never spent 400 pounds on a ticket."

Jay sighs. "No I haven't. I know it's a lot but as I said, it was the only thing she wanted for her birthday." Jay pauses. "And that's exactly why I'm calling."

"Oh please don't tell me you're planning on giving me a ticket too," Louis groans playfully.

Louis' mum chuckles. "No, it's not that." She clears her throat. "It's just . . . I won't be able to take Lottie to the concert on Friday because of work. Melissa and Kathy have the flu and they need my help at the hospital, it's an emergency."

Louis stays silent. He knows what she's going to ask him and he doesn't like it at all.

"Could you maybe bring your sister on Friday since I won't be able to do it?"

"Oh no," Louis sighs quietly, more to himself than to his mum.

"Teens under 18 have to be accompanied by an adult and you're the only one who lives in London. She won't be allowed to go there at all without an adult and as you know, she spent a small fortune on that ticket."

"It's not my fault, is it?" Louis growls.

"Louis!" Jay scolds her son. "You just can't let your sister down. Please!"

"I would never let my sister down, mum. It's just that I don't want to support her craziness when it comes to that boyband but . . . okay," Louis gives in. "I'll do it."

"I do understand that you're not happy about it . . . it's just . . . I don't have another possibility, really, I . . ."

Louis interrupts her. "It's okay mum, don't worry. You've done so much for us so if it makes you happy and I can help you with that, I'll do it."


When Louis leaves the apartment with Lottie on Friday afternoon, he is completely stressed out. She has been so incredibly nervous and excited during the whole day that she hasn't stopped talking at all. It took her about four hours to decide what she'd wear and two more hours to put on make-up and get her hair done the way she liked it. Louis has to admit she looks pretty cute after all the effort but he still can't understand why she makes such a fuss about this band.

The tube to the O2 arena is full with teenage girls and parents. Many of them wear One Direction shirts and some girls have the names of the band members written all over their faces and arms which seems hilarious and embarrassing to Louis. It smells awful inside the narrow compartment, like a mixture of vanilla deodorant and teenage sweat.

When Louis and Lottie arrive at the O2 arena, the place is packed with people. A huge area in front of the venue is blocked off with fences and there are hundreds of girls sitting on the ground. Some of them even sleeping on the concrete. The whole place looks like a mess; there are piles of clothes and rubbish everywhere. It looks like people had lost their belongings and others had trampled on them. Some girls must have even spent the night in front of the venue because there are many tents and abandoned sleeping bags put aside, next to the fencings. What the hell?