Nico's POV
Oh feelings, are you serious?! Leo want's me to throw my banana peelings for Autumn in the rubbish bin, but you know what? That's 10% gonna happen and 20% opposite. The other 70% is trying to calculate what's happening nowadays.
I don't wan't to recall the time Perc dumped me and made me make my own decision, then sound of Leo's bind-blowing, glass-shattering voice replying within my inner self which happened to be about a few minutes ago. I strolled down the corridor and found cabin 1. Maybe I could talk to Jason, then I remembered, Autumns there. It took me the urge to knock on the door. I stepped an inch closer, my hand rested in mid-air, then I heard Jason's voice. "I thought you trusted me." I couldn't help but to eavesdrop. Hopefully the door didn't make a sound when I opened it. Autumn sat on Jason's bunker, her legs crossed and her finger fiddling with anything she could find. Her gazed was fixed on the floor, somehow guilty. Jason was pacing back and forth just in front of her, his fingers clenched around a paper, half within an envelope. "I tried to tell you but I just couldn't, even if I did you'd have the same reaction as now and-" she got cut of by Jason. He slammed his fist in to the wall right beside her face. I expected her to scream, run, or do anything as a sign that she was petrified, but instead, she just looked up at him with sorrowful eyes. "Aren't I your cousin Autumn?" She nodded, "I'll be leaving the day after tomorrow, it will be a long journey, but I have to avenge her, but no matter how how many times my life will be on the line, I'll come back." I realized I held my breath to long and gasped for air. Their heads turned, Jason's eyes widened. "Nico!" I took a quick look at Autumn, she just smiled. "It's okay Jase, I'm pretty sure he won't go around spreading the fact." She stood up, and walked towards the single hung window and watched the dusk envelope the horizon. "Right Nico?" I stammered, I didn't hear the whole conversation, I didn't know why on Hades or where, or how Autumn was leaving. My gut twisted, "I won't have anything to say." I answered her. Jason's shoulders slumped, he lay back on his bunker and said, "I guess everyone has secrets of their own, don't you Nico?" he gave a smirk to me, my face started heating up. "I'll go check out the other cabins, see ya!" Autumn gave a wink, in a cute way, but then she realized it and ran out the room covering her face and murmuring what did I just do, did I just do that? Jason chuckled, "You don't see a girl like that everyday do you?" and before I could stop it from coming out of my mouth, it was to late. "No, never." Jason looked at me wide eyed, he pointed a finger at me and yelled, "BUSTED!" I backed up towards the exit, "No it's a misunderstanding!" and with that, I ran.

Daughter of the Moon ( Percy Jackson Fanfic )
FanfictionMy hands shook and my head throbbed, memories flickered through. I fell to my knees and hunched over. "Leave, I don't wan't you to get hurt." Screaming echoed non-stop. "I-can't." He reached out towards me. "Nico, I'm dangerous." With each word, my...