Amber's POV
Okay, so here we go. Autumn wasn't allowed out of the camp borders, Nemesis restricted it. That's the reason she woke up here. So now I'm disguised as her, but not entirely, you see. We share thoughts, Autumn and I, but also, Silena. Anything she says from another country I can hear, so can she. Right now this is an entirely new her =
Amber, you better get this under control.
Yah, wutevah.
That new camper is causing hallucination. She lives in the past Amber, the PAST! Don't you know how crazy that is.
I'll say it again Autumn, WUT-EV-AH
There are TWO Nicos, one likes her the other...i have no idea.
It's awkward! If I die on this quest, you'll be controlling me and everything will get messed up.
So...for today, I'll be controlling myself while you chillax in the hotel.
Fine, i'm in.
Autumn's POV
I stayed with Jason for awhile, since he already knew I was on a quest anyways.
"So, are you Autumn or Amber?"
"I'm Autumn."
Just then, two men in black whizzed straight past us. I bolted up, "Woah wait, was that Nico?"
"Nah- It couldn't have been-" Before he could finish I rushed up behind, following him to the big house. "Nico!" I called after him, he didn't turn back.
Just as I charged into the room, I looked around. There was a new camper, Percy and Annabeth, with Chiron leaning into their ear. I looked to my left and froze. "What.......the Hades, why in camp are there FRIGGEN TWO NICO'S!?" Nico looked at me, wide eyed. "I can't explain. Well...this morning I woke up and headed to my mirror, until I looked down and seen a small version of me. I didn't realize and I walked out, passing by the new camper." He said, gesturing to the girl seated next to Percy. "Then, he started flickering, and NOW HE LOOKS LIKE ME." I walked in front of the one who wasn't talking. "So....who is the real one I was with yesterday?" I asked, the one who spoke up earlier raised his hand, while the other one shrugged and stared at me. I looked over at the younger Nico. His skin color was Olive, not pale. His eyes were brown and full of excitement. ", do you know me?" I asked him, kneeling down. He shook his head, and pointed to the new camper, "Only her...." She walked over to us and I moved out her way, "It's been a long time...." They both said in unison. Younger Nico tucked the girls strand of hair behind her ear. I stood, paralyzed. At that same moment, a hand gripped my shoulder. I spun around and- Nico. He winced just when they spoke. "Nico! Are you okay?" I gripped his shoulders, he looked up at me, saying nothing. "Autumn, get out of here." Chiron spoke strictly, I looked at him, surprised. "W-what? Why?" I asked, Percy looked at me, as if saying with his eyes, do as your told. "Bring Nico to his cabin,you can't go near her." I glanced at the 11 year old girl. She smirked and turned her back on me. I stepped back, "Lets just go." Nico finally spoke. I nodded and helped Nico out.
We arrived at the Hades cabin. I flicked on the lights, and sat on the bed. "What did I do wrong?" I asked. He sat down beside me, "Um....I think, I should tell you something." I looked at him.
"You see...Mia and I, were best friends when I was younger. We were both stuck in a never ending hotel, we knew how each other felt. When my sister and I were finally released, I had completely forgotten about her, still stuck there. All I was thinking was seeing the sun again and feeling natural air."
"Oh....yeah okay." My gut twisted. Aww sorry Autumn, I guess he likes someone else. Amber said in my mind. Who cares?! It's not like I liked him in the first place.....or did I? I answered back, Oh pu-leas, It so obvious. I think he likes you back, well, maybe me, since I control your mind someti- 'NO! JUST...."WHY WOULD HE LIKE ME? I'M A MONSTER ATTRACTING USELESS TEENAGE GIRL! " I sighed, oh my, busted. You do know you said that aloud right? My face heated up, "Um..who are you talking about Autumn?" Nico asked, I rapidly took Nico's pillow and stuffed my face in it. I didn't reply. After a few silent moments I uncovered my face and found Nico right in front of me, waiting. I moved back in surprise, "Ah! Don't do that!" He chuckled but wouldn't move away. I raised my, no his pillow and- smacked him in the face a couple times. "Okay okay!" He yelled, pretending to loose breath. I laughed at him, "Drama Llama" I mocked, "Pretty Princess-" There was a long pause, told you so. Amber giggled in my head. "Um.....I was.....just kidding." Nico spoke up, "Oh, ha.."
"I meant I'm just kidding, your pretty." I looked up at him, his face was turning pink.
" No, I mean that-" I stood up. I knew how this felt, it was awkward. Your mind would be racing a hundred miles a second because they might have thought it the wrong way, and you had trouble finding what to say.
I walked out towards the door, "Autumn wait!" He called after me, I stopped walking, "Sorry" he whispered. I stood their, shocked, confused, mixed feelings. Why would he say sorry? Before I could say any more, I heard talking down the corridor. I couldn't help but eavesdrop. Mia, was standing there, I couldn't see who she was talking too, since I was hiding behind a small plant. Good going, hide there, its the best place in the world to take cover if there was a World War III, Amber spoke. Amber? I asked her, Yup? She answered, Shut up. Just then Mia spoke, "Nico, I-I missed you."
Finally I tried something new. Sorry for the late update by the way! I had exams last week so and I was preparing for graduation. Not me, I'm not graduating, I'm just there to lead a band, a soldier thingy magig called pathfinder, which I give orders, blow whistles, salute and stuff, I just got upgraded from majorette baton twirling to Commander two weeks ago! Yay~
Sorry I wasted a minute or two of your time about my life.
Hope you enjoyed it! @mortalgoddessofpower (Mia) will be in the story for two more chappies~ Plz tell meh if you guys are getting bored with this story. If I don't reply, just wait longer xD Jk, just spam my mail, seriously, I don't mind, I know how it feels.

Daughter of the Moon ( Percy Jackson Fanfic )
FanfictionMy hands shook and my head throbbed, memories flickered through. I fell to my knees and hunched over. "Leave, I don't wan't you to get hurt." Screaming echoed non-stop. "I-can't." He reached out towards me. "Nico, I'm dangerous." With each word, my...