Autumn's POV
Jason and the Argonauts
Jasassy and the Autumnauts
Jason and Autumn
"Nico..I-I missed you." I felt as if a bullet got me on the spot. Who knew that just four words could be powerful. Could cause feels, not that I have any and not that I have no soul, especially to the person it's directed to. "Yeah, me too." the voice responded. I'm guessing it was the younger Nico. They're just kids, aren't they? Three years younger then me, they have no idea, well they shouldn't have, that what they're saying means many things. Oh Hades, it's like an episode of Pretty Little Liars all over again.
I had stepped back, which was my first mistake. The pot had scratched the floor, making a screeching sound, and a mark. Mia turned, facing my direction, and started walking my way. "Is there someone there?" Nico asked. I crouched against the wall, making myself as small as possible, maybe just this once, I''ll test my luck. She might not see me. Three more seconds and I was doomed. Wait, doomed by an eleven year old? Oh puh-lease. I stood up, like nothing happened. Then a hand rapidly jerked me back into a cabin.
I spun around and was about to yell, until a hand covered my mouth. "Shh! You wanna feel the wrath of a daughter of three major gods?!" He not so whispered. I looked forward. "Who are you?" He chuckled and posed, trying to find a good angle with the light and the shade, maybe Sherlock Holmes? "You''ll never know, until your last moments." he spoke. The mysterious man looked fairly tall and muscular, blonde hair, electric blue eyes, a scar- I rolled my eyes, "ugh, so my final moments are now?" I put on a dull face. It's Jason. "Oh c'mon! How'd you know? I worked so hard on that structure." He complained, kinda whispering. Maybe comispering? Yeah, I like that new word. I walked over to the door, "Dude? You wanna get yourself killed?" I used my pinky to flick on the lights and gestured at the light switch, as if it was a commercial. Studying it, "This....thing is gonna kill me?" I laughed, sarcastically I spoke, "Ah......." He was acting up again, but this wasn't the first time.
The Stoll Brothers put something in his drink, usually in his coke. It makes him act opposite, like if he was supposed to be all high and mighty from praetor and third cohort, I honestly have no idea what it means but it sounds cool so i'll say it, his brain would be like, sorry, this mood is temporarily unavailable at this moment, please try again later.
"What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine." he said with a smirk on his face. "Stoll Brothers did anything?" I asked, slowly moving towards the exit. "Negative." I nodded slowly, "Ohhhh kay, soo I'll be out now." I managed to find the handle and moved out, shutting the door behind me. Finally I steadied my breathing. Woo that was intense. I spoke through my mind.
Maybe that's why camping is intense, cuz it's in tents.
Amber joked, I could hear chuckling. "You suck at jokes," I told her, "like you don't." she talked back. Hmm..Jason's still in there, I think I should tell him.
Tell him what?
Uh..Amber, your my mind, your supposed to know.
Oh yah! Go tell him
I swung open the door and Jason was still standing there, but he had a book in his hand. "Oh! Your back! Sup?"
"Sup Jase?"
"Your weird"
Then I shut the door in his face and walked to Percy's cabin. I swore I could hear Amber laughing in the background.
Well that was plain mean
Uh huh, served him right
But what did he ever do to you?
He's weird
Your weird
Jason's POV
Did she just call me weird? Wait, where am I. Just a second ago I was with the Stoll Brothers and....I'm in A God of Sleep Cabin. I think I should apologize for no reason, cause I'm weird. Curse you Leo, Stoll Brothers and Jackson, thanks to you, I've officially became Jasassy Grace.
Mwahaha I know I've changed Jason's character a lot. I kinda like that way, and I don't ship Jiper or Jasper (Plz Don't Kill Me) Cuz idk, not really Jasumn and Nautumn, not Frazel. Maybe only Percabeth, Pernico, Jasico, Thaluke, Charlena, Caleo and ze fanfiction ships. I don't have an idea how weird I could get in this chapter, I just wanted this to become a thing, Jasassy Grace. Remember, creds to mortalgoddessofpower :)

Daughter of the Moon ( Percy Jackson Fanfic )
FanfictionMy hands shook and my head throbbed, memories flickered through. I fell to my knees and hunched over. "Leave, I don't wan't you to get hurt." Screaming echoed non-stop. "I-can't." He reached out towards me. "Nico, I'm dangerous." With each word, my...