Grumpy Beginnings

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"Hiro?" Aunt Cass poked her head into Hiro's room.

Having no classes today, the young boy hadn't gone outside of his room all day. He was busy at work, trying to figure out what was happening with Obake.

"Yes?" Hiro answered politely. He covered the paper he was writing on with his arm as he turned to face his aunt.

"I just hired a new employee. She's around your age, and goes to SFIT. I want you guys to meet. She's waiting downstairs."

This was a first. Aunt Cass doesn't usually hire other people. She has to be really busy for her to have anyone that isn't herself running the cafe.

"Coming." Hiro folded his paper in half. He, lazily, got out of his chair.

"She's a really nice girl..." But Aunt Cass's voice was soon drowned out when he saw who was grabbing the mugs of coffee and delivering them to customers.

When she turned around to face Cass and Hiro, the mug dropped to the floor.

Hiro's jaw dropped to the floor. "Karmi?" He was completely astonished, yet suddenly aware of how messed up his hair was by not doing it all day.

"Hiro? You're her nephew?" Karmi bent down to pick up the pieces from the broken glass. Her eyes didn't leave Hiro.

"You've already met, great." Aunt Cass clapped her hands together. "You'll be seeing a lot more of each other, so get used to it."

They both turned to each other. Hiro flashed his rival a mischievous smile. Her face dropped from the floor.

"So, Aunt Cass, can you tell me what Karmi will be working?" He continued smirking as Karmi arose from her spot on the floor.

"Bringing the customers whatever they ordered." Cass didn't notice the tension between the two friends. "She'll be a little waitress."

"Uh huh." Hiro crossed his arms as his smile achieved the 'Little Shit' smirk. "Should be fun."

"Please, keep conversing you two beautiful butterflies. Have fun, and don't make out when I'm not looking."

They both started blushing profoundly, and Karmi even accidentally cut herself with a broken shard of the mug. She walked away before Hiro could bring Baymax from upstairs.

"This is going to be..." Hiro didn't finish his sentence he spoke to himself as he watched Aunt Cass give him finger guns.


A/N - hey!! Noemi here about a year after writing this and I just wanna say a few things now:

This was written before season 1 was done. If I remember correctly, we weren't even sure if we were getting a season 2 at this point. That being said: some things don't exactly line up with current canon because it didn't exist yet.

Also, I started this in 2018. It's 2020 and quarantine and I'm looking back at this and there's a million grammer errors and spelling issues and sjsjjsjs omg just be warned.

With that all out of the way, enjoy the karmiro story ;)

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