Easier Than Expected

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"So," Aunt Cass bumped Hiro's shoulder as they stood side by side, doing the dishes. "I've noticed that you and Karmi have been hanging out tons more."

"They have a project that they're working on together." Baymax informed from the doorway.

"Well, we could be spending more time if she didn't have to work." What Hiro actually meant was that they could spend more time yelling at each other, trying to decide what to do for the project.

"She got off her shift already. Why don't you go with her now?" Aunt Cass asked.

"I can't spend every waking moment with her, now can I?" Hiro sarcastically answered. "I want to spend time with the incredibly cool and amazing Aunt Cass."

Aunt Cass laughed. She knew that her nephew was going through the wonderful stages of the teenage years. She had to make sure that he survived it with his sanity.

"How are Go Go and Honey Lemon doing? I heard that they moved in together." Cass didn't have to make his whole life about a girl, now did she?

"They're pretty good." Hiro nodded. "They've been dating for about a month now."

"Oh, that's incredible for them." There was one talk that Cass never had in her teenage years. She wanted Hiro to be aware of it. "Have you ever considered anything other than girls?"

"Honestly," Hiro put down the dish that he was washing. "I have. I've considered boys. Boys and girls. I considered if I even was a boy at one point. I question it every now and then, but it's not something that I regularly think about."

"If you ever need somebody to talk to about this kind of thing," Cass hugged her nephew. "I may not be the smartest person about this, but I will always be here."

"Thank you, Aunt Cass." Hiro hugged his aunt back. He was never able to tell Tadashi about the small struggles he had. He never told his brother about girl trouble, and not even guy trouble.

The moment got more comfortable as Baymax inserted himself into the hug. "My programming allows me to help patients, regardless of race, sexuality, or gender."

"You are all amazing." Hiro was so lucky to have so many people who love him. He knew some people didn't have this. He was lucky enough for support. "But right now, I'm leaning more towards girls..."

Hiro had to keep up the act. Aunt Cass wanted Hiro to find somebody? Hiro was going to pretend that he has somebody. It's somebody even Cass approves of.

"Ah, I see." Aunt Cass winked at him. "If you ever need any girl help, you ask whoever. It doesn't even have to be me. I haven't been a teenage girl for fifteen years."

"I'll make sure you know what goes on between us." Hiro didn't have to mention who the girl waa. Aunt Cass knew. There was no reason to keep bringing her up.

Hiro didn't know what to make of what had happened in his room earlier. Hiro had pretty much accidentally made her cry. She even apologized for her actions.

It was unlike Karmi to actually admit when she was wrong. Also, what she said about her family not allowing her to get help. Something was happening.

Whatever happens doesn't excuse her for being mean. It just gives an explanation. An explanation that Hiro wants so he can be friends with her.

"If a girl apologizes to you, and she never apologizes to anybody, what does that mean?" Hiro asked. He needed to know, and he didn't exactly want to ask his friends, who weren't very fond of Karmi.

Aunt Cass thought for a while. Then, she said, "Well, I say she probably values you over other people."

Hiro nodded. There's no way that Karmi actually likes him as even a friend. Still, it was a good start. He needed some time to think now.

"Thanks, Aunt Cass." Hiro finished rinsing the plate he was washing, then left the room. "Goodnight."

It was around eleven at night, and he had plans with the gang in the morning. Now, all he hoped was to get his head on straight and his brain working.

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