Midnight Hiro Stalking (Sort Of)

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This was a terrible idea, and Hiro knew it.

"Why am I doing this?" He said to himself as he put his suit on. "Oh, yeah, because anybody in the city could be getting kidnapped by Obake and being forced to play Monopoly."

"Hiro," Baymax walked into the room, confused. "Would you like me to come with you wherever you are going?"

"I know that I'm putting on my suit and you aren't and I'm going alone and I have no powers," Hiro sounded ridiculous, but he kept going. "But I promise that I will be fine."

"Are you sure that you would not like me to accompany you?" Baymax get pushing that he should go with Hiro.

And Hiro was not having it. "I'll be fine. The worst that can happen is that I personally run into Obake, which I will call for backup. Simple."

He didn't let his robot have another word. It was only ten at night, but since Aunt Cass gets up early to open the cafe, she has already gone to sleep. Perfect for Hiro to get away with sneaking out.

Look, he's not leaving just so he could see Karmi. That's ideal to figure out if she's working for Obake though. No, he's going to patrol and if he stumbles upon her then cool. But, he still has a city to protect and that comes first.

"I'm going to regret this so bad," Hiro predicted as he started opening his window to his room and began climbing out. "I am going to fall and die. Someone kill me please."

Where even is he going? Maybe he should've asked Baymax to come. It was going to be difficult to get around places on foot. He's fast for a fourteen year old, but not for a superhero.

"I am going to die," Hiro repeated as he carefully climbed out the window. Maybe it wouldv'e been easier to walk out the front door, but that gives Baymax an easier oppertunity to follow him.

"I'm on the second story. Why did I think that this was a good idea?" Hiro successfully was out the window and on the ledge on the outside of his window.

Hiro started carefully climbing down. Front foot goes there, other hand goes there... "I'm going to yeet myself off of this window if I go any slower."

That's exactly what Hiro did once he had grown frusteraed of moving only three miles per hour. Once he was at a height where he couldn't get hurt, he let go and let himself fall.

"I am never doing that again," Hiro said, standing up and brushing himself on. He began to run through the streets, eyes peeled for any sign of suspicious activity.

Fred and Mini-Max were on the other side of the city, watching too. Hiro said he was going to use Baymax, but if he actually did find Karmi, he didn't want Baymax there.

That's when he heard it.

The shouting coming from one of the houses in his proximity. This could be domestic abuse, illegal betting over anything, etc. He had to go see what was happening to make sure it's not illegal.

Or it could be the Dodger fans watching the game because the last time Hiro checked, it was tied and on the seventh inning so he could be running into nothing.

Never hurts to check.

Hiro carefully crept up to the house. The lights were off in all rooms but one. That's the room he decided to examine first.

It was a two story house. The window on the second floor had a balcony on it. Climbing walls is easier than getting down due to the magnets on his hands. He activated them and climbed to the little balcony.

That's when he saw the unexpected.

He saw a girl being yelled at. She was showing somebody else a paper. Hiro couldn't see what it was, or even who. Curtains were blinding him, but nothing had gotten physical yet.

"It's a fancy rose if you really can't understand it!" The girl shouted. "It's for my open house project at SFIT. It's glowing as part of the project. It's not anything to do with drugs."

"I'm done trying to get you away from this crap when you don't listen." It was a male this time speaking to the girl calmly. The careful tone of his voice sounded eerie almost.

Hiro recognized the girl's voice, he just couldn't pinpoint from where. The man though... That was someone he had never heard before, and Hiro was glad for it.

It looked as her head slightly turned in his direction. Hiro ducked, trying to hide. "I'm leaving," the girl announced. "I'll be back whenever I'm back."

He heard a door swing open and slam close. Hiro decided that he had seen enough. The girl wasn't in any danger if she left, right?

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