Why Couldn't It Be Mini Golf?

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The cafe was dead silent.

The reason for that being that Hiro and Karmi can't yell at each other. Aunt Cass and Baymax were in the kitchen, putting the dishes in their respective places.

"I'm going to scream the second I can." Hiro said with a smile on his face and his voice low. "I'm going to scream because my designs all work."

"They do not work," Karmi was holding a fork in her hand a little too hard. "Because you did the equation wrong."

"Bio tech majors get free ice cream. Maybe you should go with Aunt Cass and get some."

"I'm not falling for that again."

Hiro was exhausted. Nothing seems to be working. He doesn't want to admit it, but his equations aren't working. He doesn't know what to do

"At least we aren't yelling at each other." Hiro reminded. He sighed, and put his head into his hands. "School has never been this hard for me."

"I get it." Karmi put the fork down. "I was the same. Always smarter than everybody until I got here." Her face fell in a frown. "Sometimes, I wonder if that was a good thing."

The way her face suggested sadness... Hiro wonders. Had something happened to her that she was ashamed of being smart? Why did she seem upset?

Usually, Karmi liked to remind everybody about how smart she was. She showed pride in that. Why was this time any different from all the other times?

Karmi's face lit up as her phone beeped. "Big Hero Six news alert." She pulled her phone out. "I'll come back later."

Hiro let her go. She genuinely got happy hearing about Big Hero Six. Something about her long face made Hiro want to make her happy, no matter if the project was on the line.
"Oh, crap." Hiro momentarily forgot that he was part of a superhero team. He pulled Baymax from the kitchen, and didn't listen to Aunt Cass's concerns.

"I have soap on my hands." Baymax informed.

"Doesn't matter." Hiro told him as he took his robot outside the cafe. "We have a job to do."

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